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Le 2013-10-04 10:55, Florian Effenberger a écrit :

Fabián Rodríguez wrote on 2013-10-03 00:54:

I noticed after the fact. I've asked them if they have a similar
offering for German organizations. If not, it would still be only 1%,

that sounds good (and much cheaper than other solutions ;-) I saw that
they also offer direct bank payment, which makes me really interested.
I signed up with them and wait for feedback, so we can see how it
works - thanks for the hint!

Plus, I saw a rather reputable German NGO using their services, which
gives them even more credibility for me.

Let's see how that works out (waiting for their feedback now),
otherwise I'll check other providers.


Good to see you're getting started, glad I could help a bit.

Please let me know (in private) when you have an address so I can donate
to, I'll be glad to be among the first transactions :)

You may not want to make public a single unique Bitcoin address to
receive payments (email me off-list), as it's easy to then trace/follow
transactions. Bitpay does take care of that too, it generates a new
wallet/address for each transaction.

- Fabian

Fabián Rodríguez

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