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Le 2012-10-16 10:21, Marc Paré a écrit :
Hi Jean,

Le 2012-10-14 10:29, Jean Weber a écrit :

I would add a supply of brochures, single sheets printed in colour on
both sides. Could be trifold.

Otherwise this sounds much like my basic conference kit, though I've
never had the luxury of a retractable banner (I intend to get one, now
that they are available much more cheaply than a few years ago).


Thanks! So the kit would now look like:

* banners for booth (2 banners, one for the back wall and one for a side
* one retractable banner
* table cloth
* SWAG (whatever we can get at a reasonable cost at the time of purchase)
* 2-3 printed copies of "Get Started with LibreOffice" with promotional
cards detailing where to purchase copies on-line
* LibreOffice DVD's (50 localized copies) and ability to burn any other
additional copies with the help of a booth-computer.
* supply of brochures -- tri-fold

We can manage tri-fold brochures as we have already done this, and we
only need to use the previous brochures and update them or use them as

Is there anything else? If not, we could approximate a cost of the kit
and submit this as an idea along with suggested regions from our
marketing team to start.



I am updating the Funding Priorities wiki page and will include this item.


Marc Paré Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF) Supports

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