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Dear All,

I would like to re-open the discussion on this topic, which was discussed a couple of weeks back.

I already mentioned in a previous mail that we offer LibreOffice workshops for clerical and support staff of many organisations, such as government offices and universities, free of cost. What is interesting is that the participants learn advanced features of the software, for example, track changes and the like. Most of them, however, are not aware of such advanced techniques in MS Office. The reason is that no one teaches these things on MS Office - the training programme is possibly expensive or only limited seats are available in a training programme.

Thus, even if LibreOffice is less powerful (for argument sake), it is used effectively - even the advanced features are known to the users. In comparsion, the MS Office is used less effectively, even if it is more powerful, once again, for argument sake. Thus, the LibreOffice users end up being better users of the software, compared to the MS Office users.

The above observation got corroborated in a blender workshop that we organised. Here is a feedback from an official of the organisation, where we conducted this workshop.

/"The workshop as informed to you earlier over phone was really successful. By the end of four days the participants were very happy and confident in developing 3D animation. Earlier they were using licensed products which did not actually fulfill our requirements of 3 D animation. Added to that they were also introduced to interactive game development using Blender. In the four days they were introduced to modeling, lighting, 3D Animation and interactive games. The best part was the spoken tutorials helped them get ready with the installation, interface and utilities of Blender before the physical workshop in the IGNOU campus. Spoken tutorials were really useful as the participants could use them time and again as reference material even when the physical workshop was on. We are very happy with the workshop and looking forward to an advanced level workshop."


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