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Hi Sophie,

thanks for sharing your ideas!

Sophie Gautier wrote on 2012-11-04 20:41:
- have some large objectives mentioned so people may bet for what they
are giving

indeed, this is one of the top requests we receive, telling what we need the money for and what exactly it will be spent on.

Some of you may know that, about one week ago, German Heise publisher posted our donation request to its newsticker, which resulted in approximately 10.000 € (!) of additional donations. It was clearly visible that the donations are tied to this report, and they went back to "normal" as soon as the news vanished.

So, what we definitely also should work on is to get the word out to major IT and non-IT media. I am convinced that this can give donations a big boost.


Florian Effenberger, Chairman of the Board (Vorstandsvorsitzender)
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