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Hi Florian,

Le 2012-10-07 07:39, Florian Effenberger a écrit :

sharing this with the website and marketing list, he has a point here,
and we're already working to gradually improve the page - the donation
meter is a first start :)


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Some notes about donate page
Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2012 06:08:59 +0330


I should mention that right now, the total amount of money you target
for fundrasing is not obvious. I think there should be a target to make
people get serious about helping to achieve it. Also, clicking on the
status indicator, does nothing and takes you back to the page you are
in. A reasonable target budget, and a donation log or status page will
be great.

Btw, when a user goes to donate page, there is no way to get back to the
original LibreOffice home using the links available on the page.

Thanks for sharing.

I think that Charles' proposal for now seems to make the most sense. I don't believe that the members of the marketing team have enough information as to the needs of the project as a whole to give an objective comment on the bottom line and itemize list of "wants" for the upcoming year -- it would be better to come from the BoD who have a better "finger on the pulse" of the project.

We should put a target amount soon as IMO, we should always start off with a projected amount before setting up a donation campaign, People want to know what they are donating towards, and it make them feel like they belong. The are in fact part of the list of our contributors, its just that their contribution, rather than being of physical help, is $$$-related.

I was wondering, does the BoD do any budgetary forecasting? That is, does the BoD, at some time of the year, take a step back and forecast their needs for the upcoming year? Is this planned for the conference. If so, next time, the donation campaign could then be started after the LibOCon.



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