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Hi guys,

Thanks for the warm welcome. :)

I have a 4mbps Internet connection and should have no problem
downloading the DVD image. I will see how I can localized the content
to fit my region, and will prompt here if I have issue with it.

With best regards,

Nicholas Ng
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 8:58 PM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P
<> wrote:
On 04/09/2012 06:17 AM, Cor Nouws wrote:

Hi Nicholas,

Nicholas Ng wrote (09-04-12 07:40)

I am Nicholas Ng, from Malaysia (Borneo island), wanted to help out
with promoting LibreOffice for my region / country. Still new with
this so will have a lot to learn from all the seniors out there.

Ah yes, but since you know best your local situation, I expect that you
know best how to communicate there.
Of course, people here are pleased to share experiences and materials and
will try to answer any question.

Feel welcome!

Kind regards,

How fast is you Internet connection?

I have created a DVD that I use to promote LibreOffice.

In a few days, I will be uploading the 3.4.6 [most stable version of LO]
version of the DVD.  The following web site is an online version of the DVD.
 It will give you any idea on what can be do to create a DVD for a local or
regional community.

You could create a CD or DVD that has the different LibreOffice installs and
your native language language and help packages.  Then add the documentation
and other things that you think would be a help with the promotion and use
of LibreOffice.

If you have a fast Internet connection, you can download everything on my
site and use it for your community promotional product.  For some of the
extra software you might want to go to their web sites and download you
native language versions.

This DVD is just one way to promote LibreOffice.  DVDs or CDs can be handed
out with documents, like brochures and other things, to people you know or
at a booth at some local event.  I have given out a lot of then since late
Spring of last year, creating a new one whenever a new version of
LibreOffice come out.

I know some people in regions that are not native English speakers have used
my DVD as a template for making their own promotional DVD.  Some people
create a CD for each operating system that they promote, Windows, Linux, or
MacOSX, so the user would only need to deal with the OS that they use on
their computers.  I did that once myself.

Here is a link to a PDF copy of a pamphlet that promotes LibreOffice.

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