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the repo-website is from my site in good shape for a start now. The content, which 
will be created on the site, will stand for the future (when I do some minor changes 
to the site). E.g. I solved an issue with the display of different licenses in the 
project overview site (will be online this week).

We have currently fourteen projects with fifteen releases online, but we need to 
encourage more people to bring their extension to a wider public.

Am Sonntag, 21. August 2011, 14:03:37 schrieb Tom Davies:
Hi :)
One problem with changes are that it might lose the energy of the original.
 I liked the original.  It's always easier to criticise than to create so
i have been able to try some potential changes directly into Cor's idea
without changing the idea (hopefully).

Thorsten Behrens wrote (19-08-11 13:38)

Anyone here wanting to draft some blog post announcing it to the
wider public?

== draft in Dunglish ;-)  - remarks appreciated =

New LibreOffice extensions site - feedback appreciated!\

Some of the best features of LibreOffice are the extensions.
Download these smart extras to aid your job or hobby, or even create your
own extension.
Recently there has been some great work done by TDF member, Andreas Mantke,
and his team to create a LibreOffice extensions website.
Apart from the advantage of having our own repository, full of free
extensions, it also helps users that want to download extensions from the
older extension site. Those that have tried that recently,
will have noticed that the service is not reliable at the moment. And it
is unclear how soon the migration to the Apache OpenOffice project will be
in place.

So... go and see here: ... But
wait: it's not yet finished! Nevertheless you are warmly invited to have a
look, play with it, add some extensions if you have those and give
feed-back. Your submitted extensions will be kept when the final
site goes live!
If you have something to share, please do so via mail to
or have a look at the pointers on the wiki:


Are there more changes or should the above text go online?

We need something similar for the new template repository (maybe with a distance of 
some days) . There is currently no stuff in the repo available ;-(


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