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Hi Caolán, *,

Caolán McNamara wrote (25-07-11 13:27)
On Mon, 2011-07-25 at 02:18 +0200, Cor Nouws wrote:
     Still, there are some issues that I would have to advice my
customers about (in my work providing professional support for
enterprises), since they could have effect on their specific work.

If you wish to have a "enterprise-ready" or "enterprise-ready" concept,
you then need to have an objective set of criteria that defines what
that is. A check-list of features, bugs, or something. Ideally something
which could then be coded into a automated regression test, and make the
whole thing completely moot by cutting off at the knees the possibility
of regression/changes happening of becoming non-enterprise ready.

Sounds interesting to have that, but would very difficult too: what to include, and what not, etc etc.
So indeed the word "Ideally" is chosen right, IMO.

I don't think any release is likely to meet an open-ended set
enterprise-ready criteria.

That supports the view that each company should make the judgement for its own situation, isn't it? There is no sharp line between OK and not yet OK, no black-white situation. Of course we should help enterprises by giving proper release information and such.

Especially as, as happens with "blocker bugs", there is a tendency for
but reporters to naturally attempt to escalate a bug which matters to
them to the top priority to try and get it seen above the crowd. So
enterprise-ready would just gets hijacked.

Hmm, I do recognise that: in #35673 there is at least one annoying bug listed that was submitted by me, but that should not be considered a blocker for enterprise use ;-)
Therefore the eyes of many are needed to get a balanced opinion.
From the open issues in #35673, IMO some should be looked at (*) by enterprises, when preparing the upgrade, though some of them are present in 3.3.x too, I guess. Will try to have a closer look at that last point (3.3.x <> 3.4.x) tomorrow (or the day after). But can only do that on Ubuntu, not on Mac or Windows...


*) I would advise data-source connection plus mail merge in general, plus 36631, 39447, 37015, 37024, 37030, 37487, 37620. 38542, 38595, 38745.
 - Cor

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