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I'll help if I can. What is the vision or mission statement for the
marketing blog? I understand there will be announcements and news of who and
what organizations are using LibreOffice, but what else? How will you draw
an audience and keep them engaged, keep them coming back?
*John Shabanowitz
We're recruiting, come join us.*
On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Marc Paré <> wrote:

During the last confcall, we discussed having a monthly newsletter
highlighting our accomplishments and news items related to LibreOffice
marketing activities. Drew has graciously agreed to help out with this.

Following the lead from the Documentation Team, there was also an attempt
on my part to see if there was any interest in creating a blog site for our
team. If there is an interest in maintaining a blog could we have a show of
hands as to how many would be willing to help contribute to the blog? Always
best if there are many contributors as this creates buzz around our product.

In the meantime, I have created a blog site on the Wordpress site[1] where
the Documentation Foundation and the new LibreOffice Documentation Team
blogs are located.

Let me know what you think of this.




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