UBSAN Linux Build - Build # 3466 - Successful:
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Changes for Build #3466
[Ilmari Lauhakangas] tdf#143148: Replace include guards with #pragma once in slideshow module
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#154285 Check too many arguments to SbRtl_Abs() for BASIC ABS
[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Use cppu:ImplInheritanceHelper
[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Let base class implement XAccessible
[Michael Weghorn] listbox a11y: Consistently lock (only) SolarMutex
[Michael Weghorn] list item a11y: Deduplicate bounds calculation
[Michael Weghorn] list a11y: Use ref to concrete VCLXAccessibleBox
[Michael Weghorn] list a11y: Fix parent-relative position
[Michael Weghorn] list item a11y: Fix parent-relative position
[Michael Weghorn] list item a11y: Use comphelper::OAccessibleComponentHelper
[Michael Weghorn] a11y: Update param name in XAccessibleRelationSet doc
[Noel Grandin] simplify WinSalGraphics::setPalette
[aron.budea] tdf#165181 Don't overwrite guessed media MIME type with default on load
[Noel Grandin] unused "lock_" field in Components::WriteThread
[Noel Grandin] update mergeclasses
[jp] ScriptForge (SF_Services) fix tdf#165147 do not require JRE
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedmethods
[Stephan Bergmann] Experimental Emscripten Qt6 --enable-emscripten-proxy-to-pthread ersatz
[Gülşah Köse] tdf#164141 Fix command button xls to xlsx convert problem.
[Gülşah Köse] ONLINE: Check cursor position changes more safely
[Hossein] tdf#145538 used range loop in textbreakuphelper.cxx
[Hossein] tdf#145614 Convert #define ZOOM_PARAMS to constexpr
[Armin Le Grand] IASS: Use correct OutlinerParaObject in text decompositions
[Stephan Bergmann] Fix plain LOWA build
[Caolán McNamara] Filter kit xcu to an allowed subset of options
[Michael Weghorn] ruler a11y: Guard XAccessible* methods by SolarMutex
[Michael Weghorn] ruler a11y: Use comphelper::OAccessibleComponentHelper
[Michael Weghorn] svx a11y: Drop unused VectorOfStates typedefs
[Michael Weghorn] GraphCtrl a11y: Drop SvxGraphCtrlAccessibleContext::mpModel
[Michael Weghorn] GraphCtrl a11y: Create the accessible object again
[Michael Weghorn] GraphCtrl a11y: Use comphelper::OAccessibleComponentHelper
[Michael Weghorn] sw a11y: Avoid unnecessary casting
[Michael Weghorn] math a11y: OSL_ENSURE -> assert
[Michael Weghorn] math a11y: Simplify SmGraphicAccessible::getBounds
[Michael Weghorn] math a11y: Don't return self in
[Michael Weghorn] math a11y: Use comphelper::OAccessibleComponentHelper
[Michael Weghorn] math a11y: Drop SmGraphicAccessible::getAccessibleIndexInParent
[Jonathan Clark] tdf#164871 sw: Implemented exact and at-least line spacing for grid
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#165149 fix installing Visual Studio C++ runtime dlls/merge modules
[Christian Lohmaier] update credits
[Xisco Fauli] tdf#165119 Also fix # of param for VSTACK, HSTACK
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