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lo_daily_tb_win - Build # 2029 - Aborted:

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Changes for Build #2029
[Sahil Gautam] tdf#164969 fix widget theming/styling in gtk

[Xisco Fauli] lcms2: upgrade to 2.17

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#165185: consider LOK read-only view in SID_SEARCH_OPTIONS

[Caolán McNamara] allow zero or more xcu files to be installed

[Noel Grandin] tdf#165003 Row height wrong at writing direction 90°

[Julien Nabet] Fix typo

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#165080: sc_subsequent_filters_test2: Add unittest

[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules

[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules

[Gabor Kelemen] tdf#164176 Import multiline document variable with break

[Miklos Vajna] cool#11064 sw lok: allow specifying the visible area during doc load

[aron.budea] tdf#165180 convert-to: prefer PowerPoint 2007-365, not Office Open XML

[nemeth] tdf#164499 sw smart justify: disable in tabulated lines to fix ToC

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#165119: fix number of parameters in CHOOSECOLS/CHOOSEROWS

[Xisco Fauli] xmlsec: upgrade to 1.3.7

[Xisco Fauli] openssl: upgrade to 3.0.16

[Gabor Kelemen] tdf#164266 RTF: border distance in style is not applied to table

[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules

[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules

[Gabor Kelemen] tdf#164921 Renaming list styles fixed

[Olivier Hallot] tdf#165196 Help button to Data Provider dialog

[Ilmari Lauhakangas] tdf#143148: Replace include guards with #pragma once in slideshow module

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#154285 Check too many arguments to SbRtl_Abs() for BASIC ABS

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Use cppu:ImplInheritanceHelper

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Let base class implement XAccessible

[Michael Weghorn] listbox a11y: Consistently lock (only) SolarMutex

[Michael Weghorn] list item a11y: Deduplicate bounds calculation

[Michael Weghorn] list a11y: Use ref to concrete VCLXAccessibleBox

[Michael Weghorn] list a11y: Fix parent-relative position

[Michael Weghorn] list item a11y: Fix parent-relative position

[Michael Weghorn] list item a11y: Use comphelper::OAccessibleComponentHelper

[Michael Weghorn] a11y: Update param name in XAccessibleRelationSet doc

[Noel Grandin] simplify WinSalGraphics::setPalette

[aron.budea] tdf#165181 Don't overwrite guessed media MIME type with default on load

[Noel Grandin] unused "lock_" field in Components::WriteThread

[Noel Grandin] update mergeclasses

[jp] ScriptForge (SF_Services) fix tdf#165147 do not require JRE

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedmethods

[Stephan Bergmann] Experimental Emscripten Qt6 --enable-emscripten-proxy-to-pthread ersatz

[Gülşah Köse] tdf#164141 Fix command button xls to xlsx convert problem.

[Gülşah Köse] ONLINE: Check cursor position changes more safely

[Hossein] tdf#145538 used range loop in textbreakuphelper.cxx

[Hossein] tdf#145614 Convert #define ZOOM_PARAMS to constexpr
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