Hi Michael, *,
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025 at 8:15 PM Michael Wolf <milupo@sorbzilla.de> wrote:
I want to change some translations in LibreOffice UI master but I cannot
save them. The throbber on the tab moves and moves, and moves… I search
the strings to be changed, change the translation in the search results
list and click the Save and continue button. The throbber on the tab
starts moving but doesn't find an end.
See screenshot attached.
The list strips attachments, but it probably was bad timing. weblate
was updated and there's processes running to have the
only-translated-in-weblate strings actually committed to disk that
apparently can trigger a bug in uwsgi that then fails to process new
requests/the site responds in a 502 server error.. Just
killing/restarting the worker processes would also interrupt the
syncing, so until the projects have been processed, there likely will
be further short-time interruptions in the next few days.
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