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On 06.02.2023 12:44, Mihail Balabanov wrote:
Thanks for the clarifications; I'm aware of the three-tier TM but I did not
pay attention that the "Delete entry" buttons are shown only where the
"Personal" tier is present in the Origin list. Unfortunately, the obsolete
entries and the ones containing typos and such gradually pile up and they
are too many and too scattered to collect them manually. It would be better
to be able to delete them as I stumble upon them in the suggestion list or
immediately after I realize I have just saved a translation containing a

I guess regenerating Weblete's TM from the latest one or two project
versions (7.4 and master) would be a good way to clean it up. Can I request
such a thing for Bulgarian?

Also, I'm sorry about the broken link, here is a permalink to an entry:

For me, the Similarity column is empty for the last 4 suggestions.
No similarity column for me at all. Not even in the language I have access to.
Can you point to a string where it shows up for you?
I seem to remember the "delete entry" shows up for inconsistent entries.

As an aside, the particular configuration of the LO Weblate hurts quality badly. Not having access to more languages or comments doesn't make the most of translator time. Commenting isn't possible, making suggestions for the source language isn't possible,
and the source code links are broken.
As an example, the next string is
"The cell value is strictly less than the user defined value in the text box in the right." where it should be "user-defined" and "on the right". ("in the right" means ~moral superiority vs. non-preferable alternative.


On Mon, Feb 6, 2023 at 2:13 PM Christian Lohmaier <>

Hi Mihail,

On Mon, Feb 6, 2023 at 11:46 AM Mihail Balabanov <>
I noticed two unusual things working with Weblate lately:
- There are sporadic 'Delete entry' buttons. Why do they appear only for
small percentage of the entries and what do they actually do?
I assume you refer to the entries in the "Automatic Suggestion" area
from the weblate translation memory.

Weblate has a three-tier translation memory:
* the project's translation memory, that can also optionally create
all new entries into an
* instance-wide shared translation memory
* and finally a user-specific translation memory

So you'll see delete entry buttons for the strings coming from your
user translation memory, for strings that you translated in the past
within weblate.

I would very
much like to delete erroneous or obsolete entries but the button never
appears on any of them.
If you point me to those invalid entries, I can remove them.

- Sometimes there is no similarity percentage. This hampers productivity
noticeably because when I know that a string is a 100% match, I can just
click through, otherwise I have to copy and compare in an external

Also please provide a link for that.

This link illustrates both:
Those kind of links are not stable, what it points to is depending on
what you translate, better use the "copy permalink" option (the little
chain-link icon at the top-right of the translation area)

Looking at
I see it has entries from weblate's translation memory as well as from
the amagama server, the tmserver entries. That contains old strings
from pootle, from the time before weblate was used. So old strings
from tmserver, new strings from weblate's translation memory.
And I guess weblate just doesn't return amagama's quality score
(Levenshtein distance), but all results returned by amagama have at
least a 75% confidence (from amaGama's POV), but that's just comparing
against the source string, so not sure whether it is suitable to also
show it....

curl http://localhost:8888/api/v1/en/bg/unit/is%20less%20than

[{"quality": 75.0, "rank": 100.00000000000024, "source": "less than",
"target": "по-малко"}, {"quality": 75.0, "rank": 100.00000000000024,
"source": "less than", "target": "По-малко"}, {"quality": 75.0,
"rank": 100.00000000000024, "source": "less than", "target": "по-малка
от"}, {"quality": 75.0, "rank": 100.00000000000024, "source": "Is Less
Than", "target": "По-малко"}, {"quality": 71.42857142857143, "rank":
100.00000000000024, "source": "Much less than", "target": "Много

(ignore rank, that was always flagged as internal flag that can
disappear in future)

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