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Hi Michael,
Le 06/08/2022 à 22:55, Michael Wolf a écrit :

15.7.2022 17:45 hodź. Michael Wolf napisa:

I have favor to ask you. Would you enable translating Libreoffice Help master project into Upper Sorbian (hsb) and Lower Sorbian (dsb)? I know, it will be an immense task especially as I am the only localizer for these two languages.
Additionally, could you change the fallback language for the Upper 
Sorbian and Lower Sorbian online help from English to German for the 
mean time?
Thank you in advance and kind regards,


I asked you three weeks ago if you could enable the LO master help project for translation into Upper Sorbian and Lower Sorbian. I didn't receive any reply until now. The same is true for changing feedback language for the online help pages.
Sorry for the delay, I was sick and then it seems I overlooked your 
mail. I'll ask Christian to add the projects.
For the feedback language in German, you can add it in your profile as 
secondary language which will be displayed along the sources.

Sophie Gautier
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