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Thank you for your answer.
I am waiting for the 5.1 release :-) .


Den 08.02.2016 13:33, Christian Lohmaier skreiv:
Hi  *,

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 5:10 PM, Kolbjørn Stuestøl
<> wrote:
Still getting the message:
"A server error has occurred. Thank you for your patience."
when trying to update my account.
Well, I have been "patience" for some months now.
As explained in one of the last mails, that error is known and fixed
on an upstream version, and the fix will be available when pootle on
our production instance gets updated.
Obviously we didn't want to take the risk of bringing down pootle
before 5.1 release / before fosdem.

Would be pleased if someone fixed this in the near future.
It will be fixed, pootle will receive an update and that then includes the fix.


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