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Hi all,
Wouldn't the most obvious thing be to add a Piwik server to our web
infrastructure and start picking up some detailed statistics about both
downloads but also user behaviour in general?

From my point of view that would be the most simple solution.

Leif Lodahl

2014-10-13 14:51 GMT+02:00 Mihovil Stanic <>:

Hi Christian,

If I understood you correctly, you already have all data, you just didn't
setup infrastructure to collect them (IP geolocation and UI locale from
When/If  you ever decide to collect that data, I don't think real user
number can diviate much from that.
Default setup are weekly pings. My guess is that very few people change
that, it cannot be more then 1-2%.
If you calculate your data on weekly (monday to sunday) basis, after few
months of collecting data, you should know inside few % of statistical
error what is your user count.

Only big difference in numbers can be with large deployments behind
firewall (government?), which will block all ping update requests.

Anyway, do I need to suggest this somewhere or open an bug?

Best regards,

13.10.2014 u 14:34, Christian Lohmaier je napisao/la:

Hi *,

i.e. it would be possible to create in future reports for
* geolocation
* UI-locale from request-header

but not
* list of actually installed locales
for that the BundledLanguages parameter would need to change or
additional one would have to be introduced.


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