Hi Valter,
I briefly explain why I asked that. We work offline. So, I download the
files and distribute them to the others. They and I translate them,
after I
re-upload them in the server.
If there is not a "final" string freeze of the files, we need to check
again and again the files for differences and apply them, to avoid an
upload of non-correct files.
If the changes occur while we are translating, we are in the situation
files change but we are not able to understand immediately which files
been modified. That's why I asked for some mark or highlight: in this
way we can easily find the "latest modified".
Hope I've been clear.
Yes, I understand your problem now. If nobody works online, you can
upload the "non-correct files", there will be no data loss. Then you
can update your files with the latest templates on the Files tab in