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Hi Alex,

On 2011-05-04 at 10:31 +0200, Alexander Thurgood wrote:

Some of the tinderboxes cover master, but most important at this stage
is of course the release branch; these are builds of exactly the code
that is going to be tagged as betas / RCs.

Thanks for the links, I'd already noticed that they existed, but most of
the time, they didn't seem to be populated with anything. I see that the
last daily for which files are available for MacOSX was 28/04, even
though there were successful builds at later dates.

That's unfortunate :-( - Norbert, please, it seems something went wrong
with the MacOSX tinderbox, it does not upload any recent build, can you

How is a tester to know what the correlation is between any build of a
given date and a beta or rc ?

According to the date/time of the tagging - when the date is eg.
something after the tagging of Beta3, but before Beta4, you have - well
- something in between Beta3 and Beta4.  So far the tinderboxes do not
do automatic builds of exactly the tag when introduced, but I hope we'll
update them soon to be able to do such a thing.

How do I know whether stuff that fails on,
say the build of 28/04, has not been fixed by the later date builds, if
those aren't available for me to compare ?

So - in 99% of cases, the bugs do _not_ "go away by themselves".  So if
you have a bugreport where the developer eg. says "it has been fixed and
pushed to libreoffice-3-4", just compare the date/time of such a message
and the date of the nightly build of the libreoffice-3-4 branch - before
that date, it is supposed to be broken, after that, it is supposed to be

If there is no such a bug report, the probability the bug will be fixed
is quite low.

I'm just trying to understand
what it is we are actually supposed to be testing with regard to
Michael's comments that we use the nightly builds for QA. As you can
see, I am quite confused at the moment.

First of all - if the build starts / ends / loads / saves several
documents.  If it does not, we have a serious problem, and the
probability is high that the same problem will be in the next beta / RC.
Please note that 'build does not start' belongs to the Most Annoying
Bugs, to have the proper attention.

Then of course you eg. want to test the new functionality, like from the
planned release notes:


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