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2011/2/28 Peter Ruwoldt <>:
I am wanting to develop a Pitjantjatjara spell checker for
LibreOffice.  Pitjantjatjara is one of a number of indigenous
languages from Central Australia.  I'm hoping that what we learn from
doing this will enable us to develop spell check dictionaries for
other Australian indigenous languages.
I have a list of words in a unicode text file where each word is on a
new line.  There are about 2300 lines/words.
I have no idea what to do next and I would appreciate clues for the next steps.

Have you read the Hunspell manual?
You need a dictionary in Hunspell format.
There is more to be done in order to use this dictionary in LibreOffice. See for
"how to" for the bare minimum of what's needed to add support to spell-check a
language, and the full-blown locale data to make it a proper fully-supported
locale, and bug for
the example of Kabyle.

Best regards,

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