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2011.02.22 10:11, Samphan Raruenrom rašė:

We happen to start working on LibreOffce localization. The Thai community
would like to use Pootle for LibreOffice translation. However, according to
Pootle is currently not used for Thai. In Pootle, we only see the
LibreOffice-specific string module.

How can we start using Pootle?

Hi Samphan,

first of all, it's up to you to edit that Wiki page and add a YES or NO to the Pootle column in your row. ;) No value there means that nobody filled it, it doesn't mean that the value is NO. :)

Second, most of the locales are still using the LibO Specific Strings module, there's nothing wrong about it. But you can choose to use either that module, or the two Merged modules (Help and UI). You DON'T need all three of them. If you want to use the LibO Specific Strings module, you can already do that – I've just granted admin rights on Thai to the user named "samphan". If you want to use the other two modules instead, you should refer to Andras' message for instructions. If your OOo translation is not 100% complete though (but complete enough), I think you might want to update the translation of LibO Specific Strings first, and only merge afterwards. But again – it's up to you to decide.

Hope this helps,

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