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On 2011-02-15 18:51, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
Hi Nguyen, *,

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 5:46 PM, Nguyen Vu Hung<>  wrote:
Hello all,

I wonder if is there any (web based is better) tools that allows us
viewing/searching for a specific
keywords, phases from msgid/msgstr of po files.
Well, pootle does this already, doesn't it?
Correct, if you mean searching.
If pootle cannot do what you have in mind, please be more specific.

Regarding sharing of translations - well, that strongly depends on the
tools used, probably easiest to download the po-files and let your
tools create a translation memory from that. pootle uses a terminology
sub-project that can be used as basis for suggestions while
translating. But that really depends on the other tools you're using. is a good site for shared FOSS TM.

The developers of Pootle have integrated TM into the next version. They're also building a high performance TM engine.

If you are translating offline you might want to try Virtaal which will pull TM suggestions directly from Virtaal cleans up the open-tran results using distance matching so there is less noise.


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