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On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 8:52 PM Ilmari Lauhakangas
<> wrote:
Note that all this Firefox stuff only applies when having video calls,
possibly only with screen sharing.
"Um, actually…"
Seems that at least for Xisco even a single Firefox user in a meeting
can cause audio-issues even without video or screen sharing.
Admittedly this was only a single test in our last team call, but at
least we could test in small scale and once everyone was on
chrome-based browser call was fine for him.

So while using Firefox esp. for video causes a whole bunch of issues
(most notably increased bandwidth utilization and higher CPU usage
than necessary) and doesn't have working bandwidth estimation in jitsi
usecase that causes additional problems, it can still be problematic
even for smaller audio-only meetings (but much fewer people are
affected then)

But as you and Jan-Marek have pointed out: things started moving and
hopefully will be improved soon…



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