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I apologize for the delay in replying.
Thank you so much for this. This opens up some horizons for our project.
This is a good example of how group work can improve things. To do what
Jan-Marek's nearly 10 python lines do, we were making some changes to the
LibreOffice core and waiting a few hours for a build.
I mean, "almost group work", because Jan-Marek has done most of it, giving
us a code example and pointing a link to a documentation.

I'm already doing some experiments using the documentation. Thank you all.

Is there a possibility of TDF through developers/mentors to help us with
the creation of this application? This application would be a screen reader
for sign language optimized for the use of office applications
(LibreOffice, mainly).

Is there a possibility of this being a new TDF project or a project in
partnership with TDF?

Thank you very much for your attention and again, I apologize for the delay
in replying
Best regards,


Em qua., 18 de mar. de 2020 às 06:18, Ilmari Lauhakangas <> escreveu:

I will include a message from Jan-Marek, who is unable to use mail
currently. He wants to point out that tooltips can be accessed via
accessibility APIs at least on Linux.


Jan-Marek says:

It took me about 15m to write a python at spi program, which will react
to tooltip events on Linux:


import pyatspi

def f(e):
     if not e.source or e.source.getRole() != pyatspi.ROLE_TOOL_TIP:
     # e.detail1 = 1: show / = 0: hide

pyatspi.Registry.registerEventListener(f, "object:state-changed:visible")

Just install the python3-pyatspi package of your preferred distro and
start the little program.

This is obviously just a very minimal POC, but it can be easily extended
to just filter events from LO.

If I read
correctly, MSAA also has show events for tooltips.

Miguel Teixeira kirjoitti 17.3.2020 klo 18.26:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: *Miguel Teixeira* <
Date: seg., 16 de mar. de 2020 às 10:59
Subject: Re: LIBRASOffice - Vídeo - Solve MIT 2019
To: Olivier Hallot <
Cc: Ilmari Lauhakangas <
<>>, Daniel Silva
< <>>, Lidiana
Souza dos Anjos <
<>>, Fernando Gonçalves Severo
< <>>, Henrique Luiz
Cukierman < <>>, Pedro
Braga < <>>



I apologize forthe delay in answering.

Current assistive technologies favor better accessibility for the blind
people. There is no such thing as a "Braille language" or "Braille
culture". A blind person does not need to communicate through a
"different language" or adapt to a new language that depends directly on
a sense that he does not have and a diferent culture. Before they learn
to write, children, in general, learn to speak. For example, a blind
person can learn to speak a language just as children learn by listening
to other people speak. A deaf person often learns to communicate through
a language only after older ages (for example, many deaf people in
Brazil only learn LIBRAS after the age of 18). In the case of deaf
people, there is a different language and culture. A simple literal
translation of textual elements of the interface may not be such an
interesting idea (but in some cases it can be useful). Here, there is an
issue where, a simple adaptation of something that already exists (like
the current accessibility APIs) can serve as a "quick fix", but that
does not mean that it is the best option.


I attached a PDF file talking a little more about this subject.



Best regards,


Em sex., 13 de mar. de 2020 às 12:54, Olivier Hallot
< <>>


    Olá Miguel

    It is fundamental to clarify why the current assistive technologies
    unable to address the issue of the deafs. It has been asked in IRC
    the response has not been seen. The project will be analyzed by
    knowledgeable people.

    Ilmari is in copy, please switch to English and keep Ilmarin the
    Professor Henrique Cukierman should also be in the loop.

    Kind regards


    Em 12/03/2020 16:27, Miguel Teixeira escreveu:
     > Olá Olivier,
     > Estamos animados com a sua mensagem. Vamos preparar um dossier
     > financiamento do LIBRASOffice assim como fizemos para o MIT.
     > Vamos aproveitar boa parte do que fizemos para o MIT, mas mesmo
     > não conseguiremos te entregar até o dia de hoje ou amanhã. Dou
     > para entrega do dossier até a próxima quarta-feira, mas pode ser
    que já
     > esteja pronto, por exemplo, no próximo domingo. Existe algum
    problema em
     > entregarmos na próxima quarta-feira?
     > Cordialmente,
     > Miguel Teixeira.
     > Em qui., 12 de mar. de 2020 às 07:00, Olivier Hallot
     > <
     > escreveu:
     >     Olá Miguel
     >     Vocês tem condições de preparar um dossier para financiamento
     >     LibrasOffice, assim como fizeram para o MIT? Trocaria  MIT
    por TDF (The
     >     Document Foundation).
     >     Creio que pode haver um caminho de financiamento a ser
    explorado, e a
     >     experiencia do MIT pode ajudar a convencer.
     >     Será importante ter um cronograma de entregas, e programa de
     >     tamanho de equipe, bolsas e tudo mais. Vejo um horizonte de
    seis meses
     >     de atividades para duas pessoas.
     >     OK?
     >     Olivier
     >     Em 11/03/2020 20:43, Miguel Teixeira escreveu:
     >     > Olá Olivier,
     >     >
     >     > Segue o link do vídeo usado no Solve MIT - 2019
     >     >
     >     >
     >     >
     >     >
     >     >
     >     --
     >     Olivier Hallot
     >     LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
     >     Comunidade LibreOffice
     >     Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00

    Olivier Hallot
    LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
    Comunidade LibreOffice
    Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00

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