I have Visual Studio 19 and JDK 13 installed on windows. I cloned lode git
repo in cygwin shell. I changed my directory to lode and ran ./setup which
executed fine.
Then I added environment variables to .bashrc file.
Now I am trying to setup dev build environment by running ./setup --dev --
force in the lode directory but it's not giving appropriate results.
I am following this documentation :
On Wed, 22 Jan, 2020, 6:16 PM Anshu, <anshukhare1998@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi mentors,
I am Anshu. I am new to this organization. I am willing to take part in
Gsoc 2020 and I want to contribute to this organization.
I was trying to build Libre-Office by following its documentation but got
stuck at a point( I have Visual Studio 17 and JDK 13 installed on my
I am attaching the screenshot where I got stuck.
Could you please help me with it?
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