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Le 08/01/2020 à 18:24, Michael Stahl a écrit :
On 08.01.20 14:49, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:
Hi Michael, all,

My current build of LibreOffice 6.4 under Ubuntu 18.04 x86-64 fails with the following error message:
[...]/60/external/python3/ *** file [...]/60/workdir/UnpackedTarball/python3/LO_lib/ does not exist in the tarball. Arrêt.
Makefile:167: recipe for target 'ExternalPackage_python3' failed
I guess there is a problem in the commit " python3: upgrade to release 

should be fixed in commit
ebb6c2576af8d883ddf8eb09e3969c50d9ac07c9 "python3: remove _uuid module"
5a8b378129feb725d4d3e48cd20b493688226eaa "python3: remove _uuid module"
for libreoffice-6-4 branch.

Both work for me. Thank you very much.

Best regards

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