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please do not waste scarce coding resources on thoroughly trivial matters like colours and signage, but rather on making the programs more practical to use - such as for instance having the choice of typeface as a sdeparate item, not hidden inside the multiple format choices. Risking ostracism fro monotounous suggestions, I repeat my wish for sequential views of single pages with as little jumbling as possible of text and illsustrations when proofreading long documents


Paul Hofseth

Vestgrensa 11
N 0851

t: +47 90890521

Den 2019-12-12 14:37, skrev Heiko Tietze:
Present: Heiko
Comments from: Dieter, Bogdan, Mike, Stuart


 * Repeat shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+Y) is too far for short-finger users
using en (qwerty) keyboard
   + WFM (Heiko)
   + perhaps alt+Y (Stuart)
   + I always use TWO hands for that keyboard shortcuts =) (Roman)
+ keyboard issue for English, see also bug 115052 for other than English + Excel (or all MSO) uses F4 (or ctrl+Y) for "repeat last action" (but the
     same key also for redo)
+ shift+ctrl+r - cannot press it without hurting myself, ctrl+at+r works
   + alt+<key> should be reserved for hotkeys
+ keep it - common, usable (maybe not for everyone), consistent (Heiko)
   + more opinions needed (Roman)
   => no further input, WF

 * Page sidebar: "Same Content" on header/footer sections is
absolutely illogical
   + make it similar to the page dialog with checkboxes (Dieter)
   => go for it

 * PRINTING: Change The Color of Print Preview Active Page Border
   + greenish background, triangles or printer icons in the background,
     light blue frame, different shadow...
   => let's try

 * Draw menu entry: Shape or Shapes?
   + -1 (Heiko, Bogdan)
   + +1 (Stuart)
+ Shape --> Shapes, Sheet --> Sheets, Form --> Forms, Page (singular)
     + change all singular at once
   => trust the native speaker and do as Stuart suggest


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