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Is there more output for the failing unit test that indicates what might
be going wrong? You can e.g. also paste larger output at or some similar service.

As a workaround, you can also try building LibreOffice without running
the unit tests for now, by using 'make build-nocheck' instead of the
plain 'make' command.

On 07/08/2019 00.12, wrote:
Well, I did a third compile try, but it failed again.

This time first I did a clean up:

make clean

Then I did a ./configure, passing CFLAGS and CFLAGSXX as:

./configure CFLAGS='-mfpmath=sse -msse2' CFLAGSCXX='-mfpmath=sse -msse2'

./configure is in fact reading those flags, as can be seen on the
relevant part of its output:

checking whether to use link-time optimization... no
checking for explicit AFLAGS... no
checking for explicit CFLAGS... -mfpmath=sse -msse2
checking for explicit CXXFLAGS... -mfpmath=sse -msse2
checking for explicit OBJCFLAGS... no
checking for explicit OBJCXXFLAGS... no
checking for explicit LDFLAGS... no

Then I did a make, again passing the CFLAGS(XX) as parameters:

make CLAGS='-mfpmath=sse -msse2' CFLAGSCXX='-mfpmath=sse -msse2'

But it failed again at the CpuunitTest stuff, although the error message
is a bit different from the previous ones:

Failures !!!
Run: 52   Failure total: 1   Failures: 1   Errors: 0

Error: a unit test failed, please do one of:

make CppunitTest_sw_layoutwriter CPPUNITTRACE="gdb --args"
    # for interactive debugging on Linux
make CppunitTest_sw_layoutwriter VALGRIND=memcheck
    # for memory checking
make CppunitTest_sw_layoutwriter DEBUGCPPUNIT=TRUE
    # for exception catching

You can limit the execution to just one particular test by:

make CPPUNIT_TEST_NAME="testXYZ" ...above mentioned params...

recipe for target
make[1]: ***
Error 1
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Makefile:282: recipe for target 'build' failed
make: *** [build] Error 2

So... what else could be done to reach the goal of building LIbreOffice

Thanks again in advance.

El lun., 5 ago. 2019 a las 16:40,
<> (<
<>>) escribió:

    Well, based on the info that Stephan kindly passed, I tried 'make'
    with the following parameters:

    make ENVCFLAGS="-mfpmath=sse -msse2" ENVCFLAGSCXX="-mfpmath=sse -msse2"

    However, it threw the same error as before.

    I intentionally did not type 'make clean' beforehand because:

    1) I'm assumming that those additional flags would be applied in the
    code that fails to compile. I *think* that if it didn't not work
    again, that would mean that the issue is something else?
    2) I'm willing to do a 'make clean' if my above assumption is
    incorrect, even if that means another 7 hours of hard work for my
    poor computer. However, as I stated before, for this scenario I'm
    following the instructions from

    But I have no idea which version of LibreOffice I'm compiling. To be
    worth all the extra efforts that a 'make clean' represents, I'd like
    to be sure that I'm trying to compile LibreOffice 6.3.

    Is there a way to prove or instruct that LibreOffice 6.3 is the
    selected one to compile?

    Best Regards and Thanks in advance.

    El lun., 5 ago. 2019 a las 9:53,
    <> (<
    <>>) escribió:

        Well, my first compile attempts had not been very good.

        I followed the instructions kindly provided by Michael Weghorn,
        and downloaded and uncompress the source packages
        libreoffice-help- and

        The first issue was that autogen requires the presence of
        gstreamer1.0 AND of gstreamer0.10. gstreamer0.10 is deprecated,
        but anyway I found and installed the required gstreamer0.10 deb
        packages from elsewhere, but it still complained that they were
        missing, so I added a --disable-gstreamer-0-10 parameter.

        Then a new error appeared:

        "configure: error: Wrong qmake for Qt5 found. Please specify the
        root of your Qt5 installation by exporting QT5DIR before running
        Error running configure at ./ line 302."

        However, the qt5-qmake and qt5-qmake-bin packages are installed
        in my system!

        Since I was not able to stat compiling using Michael
        instructions, I wondered what would happen if I followed instead
        the steps recently published on the LibreOffice blog
        It was a blind choice, since I have no idea what LibreOffice
        version would I get if compiled (is there a way to get an
        specific version?), or how easy would be to generate deb
        packages afterwards.

        In that set of instructions I changed:

        --with-lang=hu en-US


        --with-lang=es en-US

        in order to try to obtain a LibreOffice in Spanish language, not
        in Hungarian.

        I also removed the following lines:


        As they point to hard paths on the disk of the article author. I
        tried to reproduce those paths to match my own by creating core,
        external and tarballs directories, but it didn't work, so I
        merely removed those two lines.

        This time it began compiling, but after A LOT of hours and more
        of 40 GB used, the make command always stops at this error:

        "Error: a unit test failed, please do one of:
        make CppunitTest_sc_filters_test CPPUNITTRACE="gdb --args"
            # for interactive debugging on Linux
        make CppunitTest_sc_filters_test VALGRIND=memcheck
            # for memory checking
        make CppunitTest_sc_filters_test DEBUGCPPUNIT=TRUE
            # for exception catching
        You can limit the execution to just one particular test by:
        make CPPUNIT_TEST_NAME="testXYZ" ...above mentioned params...
        recipe for target
        make[1]: ***
        Error 1
        Makefile:167: recipe for target 'CppunitTest_sc_filters_test' failed
        make: *** [CppunitTest_sc_filters_test] Error 2"

        So, I'm kind of stuck in both procedures. Does somebody knows
        how to solve on one or both?

        Thanks in advance

        El vie., 26 jul. 2019 a las 10:01,
        <> (<
        <>>) escribió:

            Hi! Greetings from the Escuelas Linux team. We are small
            Linux distribution that can be downloaded from
            Some more references about our activity can be found by
            doing an Internet search, or on own Facebook account,

            We still provide a 32-bit edition of our distro, because
            among our users there are a lot of low-income public
            schools, in which are still in use old computers with about
            512 MB to a 1 GB of RAM. That amount of RAM would make
            running a Linux 64-bit system awfully slow, so we have to
            accommodate to the needs and possibilities of what is
            available in poor areas, those in which even having an old
            computer is still somehow a luxury.

            We perfectly understand that TDF releasing 32-bit Linux
            LibreOffice packages was not worth anymore, given the small
            amount of downloads. Certainly some of those downloads were
            made by us, as we only required one download of a given
            LibreOffice version to have it installed in our distro and
            be used in hundreds of computers. A lot of those computers
            could not even be traceable, since there are no Internet
            connection in poor or remote schools. But we believe that
            even if we reported who and where are those schools, that
            would be still a small amount to be worth the effort and
            resources required to match the bigger amounts of downloads
            that seems to be receiving the LibreOffice 32-bit Windows

            Given that TDF ended the provision of Linux 32-bit
            distribution neutral binaries, but not the 32-bit
            compatibility, we would like to step up to produce by
            ourselves the 32-bit distribution neutral deb packages from
            LibreOffice 6.3 and up. We are not aware of other distros or
            volunteers releasing the most recent LibreOffice version to
            date (6.3) as 32-bit distribution independent binaries.

            Recently, the official LibreOffice Blog published
            instructions about how to compile LibreOffice on Linux.
            However, we’d like to be able not only to compile
            LibreOffice, but we would like to learn how to be able to
            produce by ourselves the same set of 32-bit
            distribution-independent deb packages that were compressed
            as a .tar.gz, that is, the LibreOffice binaries
            (LibreOffice_?.?.?_Linux_x86-_deb.tar.gz), the translated
            user interface (the
            LibreOffice_?.?.?_Linux_x86-_deb_langpack_??.tar.gz) and the
            offline help
            (LibreOffice_?.?.?_Linux_x86-_deb_helppack_??.tar.gz). As
            for the user interface and the offline packages, our main
            focus would be Spanish language.

            On the download section is always available the following
            source code packages:

            But, given our inexperience, we don’t know how to use this
            source packages to produce the same set of 32-bit deb
            packages as were previously provided by TDF. Since
            LibreOffice is distributed in a lot of languages, we guess
            that the user interface and offline packages are not created
            manually one by one by hand, some useful scripts could have
            been created to automate as far as possible those tasks.

            So, we respectfully ask for some pointers and steps required
            to reach this goal. In this way, we might be able to
            continue the production of the 32-bit deb packages, freeing
            TDF of that burden as planned but, at the same time, we
            could provide those packages for the parties that could be
            still interested in them. We could not be able to support
            rpm-based binaries though, someone else would have to step
            up if there's a need for that.

            Please let us know if this request of help is feasible for
            the Developer(s) that are responsible of the LibreOffice

LibreOffice mailing list

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