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Hi Eike,

Have you been able to form an opinion yet re the conclusions/suggestions below?


woensdag 14 november 2018 11:38

Hi Eike,

I have been studying ODFFv1.2 part 2 § with , lines 1..5.
in mind.

My conclusions are that
a) Line 8 should be
    " 8.Otherwise, if _(not A)_ and is-leap-year(year(date1)) then return
366 ";
b) Lines 9 and 10 can be combined by appending inclusive to both dates, the
current line 9 is ambiguous and line 10 does not fully solve that;
c) The constraint date1 >= date2 is missing in §4.11.7.

I have made logical diagrams to cheack that all possible combinations of
date1 and date2 are covered - on the presumption that date1 >= date2.
If you agree with my conclusions, would it be possible that you submit a
proposal for changing ODFF to reflect the above?
I think that a proposal from you is more effective than one from me ;-)

And if you agree with my conclusions I intend to work on bug tdf69569 to
implement the proposed changes (c is already implemented in
/core/scaddins/source.analysis/analysishelper.cxx, getYearFrac(.)).



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