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Latest master compiles without issues here. Thank you all.

On 03.08.2018 10:06, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 03/08/18 09:50, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 03/08/18 09:47, Noel Grandin wrote:
I think caoloan has fixed this with

quoting #libreoffice-dev:

Aug 03 09:48:08 <sberg>    ...which curiously is in the batch that made 
<> switch failure mode from 
CppunitTest_vcl_lifecycle to CppunitTest_services :)

...though the previous build (which still failed in CppunitTest_vcl_lifecylcle) doesn't have a 
"[build CUT] services" line in 
<> (as it apparently stopped 
due to the failure before reaching that test), so hard to tell when the CppunitTest_services 
failure was actually initroduced

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