Hello Claus,
let me respond to both your emails here.
On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 8:22 AM, <claus.klein.sha@googlemail.com> wrote:
Hi Rene,
how do you create a Xcode project or an Eclipse project with autoconf?
The following generators are available on my platform:
Unix Makefiles = Generates standard UNIX makefiles.
Ninja = Generates build.ninja files.
Xcode = Generate Xcode project files.
CodeBlocks - Ninja = Generates CodeBlocks project files.
CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles = Generates CodeBlocks project files.
CodeLite - Ninja = Generates CodeLite project files.
CodeLite - Unix Makefiles = Generates CodeLite project files.
Sublime Text 2 - Ninja = Generates Sublime Text 2 project files.
Sublime Text 2 - Unix Makefiles
= Generates Sublime Text 2 project files.
Kate - Ninja = Generates Kate project files.
Kate - Unix Makefiles = Generates Kate project files.
Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja = Generates Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files.
Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles= Generates Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja ..
ninja all
ninja test
ninja install
Were is the problem?
Do you have a GUI with autoconf to control or change your build setting?
All of us here are aware of what cmake is able to do but also know about
enough of the problems that come with cmake. The LibreOffice project, which
is currently maintaining cppunit, does not use cmake for any of its
external projects and I don't plan to introduce it for any of our external
dependencies. Additionally, using a build system that I neither understand
nor particularly like is not a wise decision.
As mentioned I will explore possibilities to deal with the cmake system but
for the foreseeable future the autoconf based build system will stay the
Kind regards,
Try it out!
With regards
Am 23.05.2018 um 21:37 schrieb Rene Engelhard <rene@debian.org>:
On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 06:32:46PM +0200, claus.klein.sha@googlemail.com
[...] and even much more simpler to use!
No, it isn't.

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