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Hi Dennis,

Dennis Roczek wrote:
If this "tutorial" is for newbees, then tell them that Windows 7+ is
supported, otherwise some might come with an old Windows XP or even
stranger system.

Very well, added that. ;)

In the end this situation is because of a missing motivation to keep
the requirements on track. Doesn't matter where: buildbots,
tinderboxes, google fuzz, cloph (release), wiki, scripts,
etc... Mostly a simply message to the ml is missing. (This is just
an observation by mainly non-dev / non-builder; just a reader of
wiki, irc, mailing lists, etc; exception this week about font-python

Hmm, not sure exactly what you're referring to - the Perl font module
prerequisite change was perhaps not done perfectly, but ended up in
LODE within half a day or so.

The hope is that on average (there's always the chance of 'bad luck',
like master broken, lode not up-to-date, MS ships a new service pack
that configure doesn't quite get right just yet etc), lode and the
referenced wiki page is the place to go to easily replicate a working
LibreOffice setup for Windows.

I know this is not perfect (I've personally spent a week wall-clock on
getting a build going on a well-worn VS 2015 install, with a metric
ton of other dev work + respective tools installed on the machine,
which was interferring in most interesting ways), but we can only
improve from there iteratively. One idea I had in mind was to use the
msbuild configs from VS, instead of manually trawling the registry &
eternally fixing up after MS updates. Another one is this chocolatey
thingit, perhaps combined with Vagrant, so even if we cannot legally
distribute a Windows VM, we can perhaps have configuration scripts
around to stand one up from scratch easily.

If anyone's interested in that, I can provide pointers & snippets.

Docker would maybe possible with the latest (TM) Windows 10 stuff.

How so? If you want to build under Linux, your best bet is still to
use one natively.

This is more a general problem not willing to write at least a few
minutes to a ML hoping this can be found on google; maybe pinging at
least buildbots-owners to know that they have to install stuff ,
well or simply to help newcomers because they will might help you in
a half year (or not!).

Yeah, there's some truth to that. There's been some encouragement in
the past 6 months or so to have people doing larger changes to
announce that to the list here. But it bears repeating. ;)

For this a general overview is often missing. (This is not a rant
saying the TDF should do that, this is simply a rant!)

Concretely, what for? For the code itself, that's a truly hard problem
(with people like Chris trying to tackle it via book writing).


-- Thorsten

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