Hi, serdar tunc schrieb am 08.03.2018 um 13:00:
Hello, As you know, when you add a shape in Excel and rotate it by any degree LibreOffice Calc opens it without rotation. I've tried to explain my solution proposal for OOXML shape's in LibreOffice Calc on my blog and what causes the problem. https://serdaroktaytunc.blogspot.com.tr/2018/03/solution-proposal-for-ooxml-shapes-in.html <https://serdaroktaytunc.blogspot.com.tr/2018/03/solution-proposal-for-ooxml-shapes-in.html>
From your blog post" In my opinion, Excel writes rectangular shape's coordinates after rotation".
Excel writes different information. One is the object geometry in the xdr:spPr element. There you will find the original geometry, the size of the bounding box of the not rotated shape and the rotation angle. Another information is the anchor position of the resulting shape, e.g in the xdr:from and xdr:to elements of a xdr:twoCellAnchor element. Please do not confuse them.
"We need to control shape type for set shape rotation to zero in LibreOffice Calc, not anchor type (We need to delete patch for bnc#762542). If the shape is rectangular, set shape rotation to zero, not the text rotation."
I disagree with that. If the rectangle is rotated in Excel it has to be rotated in Calc as well. There is nothing special with a rectangle.
Kind regards Regina