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Hi Noel,

On 06/11/17 07:42, Noel Grandin wrote:
I just saw a comment

    // Class to read obsolete registered extensions
    // should be removed for LibreOffice 4.0

which appears to have been introduced in

   commit 042247b3e428cb7352c06a670576819c67378090
   Author: Michael Meeks <>
    Date:   Wed Nov 16 16:59:39 2011 +0000

    Fixup legacy sleepycat db database usage for packages

    Previously empty legacy registered_packages.db databases were created
    unconditionally, at some efficiency and startup cost, despite these
    being deprectated since before version 3.2.
    We now handle version mismatches by warning on the console and ignoring
    these files.

Anything there that I can nuke ?

        That's an interesting one =) I guess 6.0 is a good substitute for 4.0 -
I imagine that back-compatibility with some corner-case of pre 3.2
releases (which were not LibreOffice ;-)

        Then again - no idea if there is still a win there; but Stephan is
really the expert here (?) - quite possibly my comment was wrong ;-)



-- <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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