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On 10/19/2017 10:05 AM, Jens Tröger wrote:
Hi Mike,

That would be a good answer to have, because finding documentation on this topic is tricky. Here 
is how I currently handle this in Python:

     pipe = …
     p = subprocess.Popen("/…/soffice --accept='pipe,name=" + pipe + 
";url;StarOffice.ServiceManager' --headless --invisible", shell=True)
     # Wait for the pipe to become available.
     local = uno.getComponentContext()
     resolver = 
local.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext("”, local)
     context = resolver.resolve("uno:pipe,name=" + pipe + ";urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext")
     desktop = context.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext("", 
     # Load the document
     docfile = …
     document = desktop.loadComponentFromURL("file://" + docfile, "_blank", 0, props)

This creates a new office process and open the Writer document and connects to it. Note the 
absence of the custom user installation (for performance reasons)! Once I’m done with it, then:

     document.close(True) # or if XCloseable doesn’t exist: document.dispose()

Wouldn't that be enough? Why do you need other cleanup?
Supposedly having the soffice process ready for other incoming requests 
would not harm the server operation, and closing the document should 
have released any document-specific resources allocated.

     # context.??
     # resolver.??
     # local.??

The termination of the process p seems to destroy the other running soffice process. Hence using 
custom user installations with -env:UserInstallation=/tmp/random-dir but that just prolongs the 
process creation noticeably!


On Oct 19, 2017, at 16:48, Kaganski Mike <> wrote:

Maybe the real question is how to close a document without forcing
soffice process (which is shared in your case among all open documents)

Best regards,
Mike Kaganski

Jens Tröger

Best regards,
Mike Kaganski


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