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On 12/10/17 16:39, Riccardo Arzenton wrote:
Something like you want to do already exists.


LibreOffice Online is available in 3 versions: LibreOffice Online, CODE and Collabora Online
The last version is not opensource, the other two are open source but they differ in the release 

        As a correction, all of the source code for Collabora Online is open,
and published up-stream as FLOSS =)

        The idea is in itself not terribly silly to want to do calculation on
the client; however - as Markus says the code is not very susceptible to
this being very tightly coupled with our storage representation etc.

        The other thing is that - if there is a concern wrt. the server CPU
usage from re-calulation, there are lots and lots of things that can be
done to improve performance, parallelism, and to optimize Calc to reduce
that server-load (if that's what worries you). Server-side calculation
also appears to be what MS Office online uses.



-- <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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