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On 21.09.2017 09:19, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
The problematic commit was reportedly 
"ofz#2538 avoid oom" (2017-09-19 12:50:17, GMT), which should be fixed 
"sc: fix infinite loop in XclImpDffConverter::ProcessShGrContainer()" 
(2017-09-19 20:18:44, GMT).  Please try to avoid pushing new patch sets 
to Gerrit based on master between those two commits.

If one of your Gerrit patch sets was affected by the purge, it should 
have received a "No Builds Executed" comment from Jenkins now.  You can 
manually re-submit it by doing a rebase.

would it be possible to configure jenkins so that it has a blacklist of
commit ranges where it checks that the commit to be tested has commit X
as an ancestor but not commit Y and to immediately generate a "build
failure, please rebase" error in that case?

i guess this could be done either in the central control service (if
that is able to access git repos) or in the individual builders (if
there is a way to automatically push out the blacklist to them), but i
have only very vague idea how jenkins works...


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