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On 03/30/2017 04:07 PM, Regina Henschel wrote:
the steps described in the issue do not crash for me, neither with 5.4.0
nor with 5.2.6. But I am on Win7 and my graphic card is not able to use
OpenGL. Has some tested, whether the crash only occur with OpenGl enabled?

Stephan Bergmann schrieb:
Anybody familiar with that SvxShape stuff?  I see there is both
SvxShapePolyPolygon and SvxShapePolyPolygonBezier classes in
include/svx/unoshape.hxx, and wonder whether it's plausible that an
originally straight-line polygon remains an SvxShapePolyPolygon when one
of its edges is manipulated with "Convert to Curve"?  If it should
instead become an SvxShapePolyPolygonBezier then, then the proper fix
for <> "Error
when saving a polygon with points converted to curve" would probably
need to be done elsewhere.

Upon further inspection, that commit indeed was not the right fix. Quoting <>:

"Bisecting further, under vclplug_gtk3 on Linux this happens to appear first with <> 'Resolves: tdf#92293 gtk3: get a11y working'. Turns out there's an SdrPathObj and associated SvxShape (which is held weakly, so typically disappears quickly and gets recreated when needed), and the SdrPathObj changes its kind when the user turns one of its edges into a Bezier curve. That should cause the associated SvxShape to be recreated as an SvxShapePolyPolygonBezier instead of a SvxShapePolyPolygon the next time it is needed. But with the a11y bridge enabled, the original SvxShapePolyPolygon is apparently held strongly from somewhere, so the change of the SdrPathObj's kind isn't reflected in the type of the associated SvxShape as intended.

"So the commit from comment 4 was wrongly addressing symptoms, not the root cause, and will be reverted again. Work on a proper fix is ongoing."

(Which could also explain why the problem doesn't appear on e.g. Windows.)


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