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* Present:
    + Caolan, Heiko, Kendy, JanI, Miklos, Xisco, Michael M, Olivier,
      Stephan, Sophie, Christian, Norbert, Michael S, Bubli, Thorsten, Jan-Marek

* Completed Action Items:
    + GSoC mentor pokes for Bjoern & Michael (Thorsten)
    + dig further into Perugia travel & accommodation; really that hard ? (Bjoern)
        [ Miklos found trains to go there, direct from one of the
          airports: Fumichino ]

* Pending Action Items:
     + look at old Duden extension to see if they use UWINAPI.DLL (Thorsten)
        [ voluntered by Stephan – due end of month.
          Should we have a museum for such things on TDF infra ? (Michael) ]

* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 5.3.2 RC2
        + tagged yesterday – but forgot Mac signing patch.
        + Linux + Mac builds are up-loaded to pre-release server
        + Windows still building.
        + on-schedule again.
    + 5.3.3 RC1 – due April 25th.
    + 5.2.7 RC1
        + due April 11th - for the last 5.2 release
    + 5.4. builds / master
        + tested with VS 2015 toolchain
        + still (accidentally) compatible with WinXP (so far)
           + make it clear this is not deliberate (Norbert, Cloph)
    + Android & iOS Remote
        + pushed update, no extra screaming.
    + online (Michael)
        + should do a tag & up-load soon.

* Documentation (Olivier)
    + Patches added to HelpContents after translators reviewed the English
    + New pages coming for HC by community-Template Manager (Cat Vance)
    + Call for help to update guides
    + More work on Calc guide – updating it to the latest release
    + Patch to display navigation history in New Help (Fabio Biochetti)
        + working with Osvaldo
        + nice addition – can now navigate easily.
    + Internal tasks - Annual Report, community support
    + Documentation in Apache wiki: copyright  / legal issue

* UX Update (Heiko)
  + Bugzilla (topicUI) statistics
       249(249) (topicUI) bugs open, 473(473) (needsUXEval) needs to be evaluated by the UXteam
   + Updates:
       BZ changes   1 week    1 month   3 months   12 months  
            added      5(2)      12(3)     36(3)      493(-1) 
        commented     36(-17)   194(11)   667(12)    3593(-4) 
          removed      0(0)       1(-1)     8(-1)      39(0)  
         resolved      7(2)      20(1)     98(4)      217(6)  
   + top 10 contributors:
         Tietze, Heiko made 139 changes in 1 month, and 2258 changes in 1 year
         Thomas Lendo made 47 changes in 1 month, and 78 changes in 1 year
         Foote, V Stuart made 46 changes in 1 month, and 667 changes in 1 year
         Buovjaga made 37 changes in 1 month, and 365 changes in 1 year
         Faulí Tarazona, Xisco made 28 changes in 1 month, and 395 changes in 1 year
         LibreTraining made 24 changes in 1 month, and 33 changes in 1 year
         Kainz, Andreas made 17 changes in 1 month, and 31 changes in 1 year
         *UNKNOWN* made 10 changes in 1 month, and 10 changes in 1 year
         Philips, Yousuf made 8 changes in 1 month, and 1284 changes in 1 year
         Aprax made 8 changes in 1 month, and 10 changes in 1 year

  + Extension to export the custom palette accompanied by a blog post
    (all help is at the AOO wiki)
       + can we copy the content across ?
       + if it is a legal question → punt to later (Michael)
  + Will have a Design session in Rome regarding Bibliography
  + Color picker has now 10 rows by default
  + Reviews GsoC projects and looking forward the work to begin
  + Style-only toolbar is being discussed on Bugzilla

* Crashtest update (Caolan)
    + 1 import failure, 0 export failures
    + 190 coverity issues
        + coverity up-loads still timing out
    + Google / ossfuzz: 24 fuzzers active now, unchanged
        + not added any more tests – existing giving out enough noise
        + lots of horsepower: they are also testing for local leaks & hangs
             + previously ignoring those; lots in this category.
        + fast-hangs are more interesting than timeout – but fixing ...

* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + next venues / suggestions
    + next week 31st of March: talk in Granada / Spain
        + Document Freedom Day (Xisco)
        + can you poke Italo to pre-announce it as/when confirmed ?
                + Added to (Xisco)
    + Ladies who FOSS – Berlin
        + monthly now (Bubli)
        + April 20th the next one
    + Italian hack-fest coming up: 4 days May 27-30th
         + Perugia University
             + will sponsor accommodation/food for 4 core hacker – need names
             + first names to be added there win.
    + event in Spain (Xisco)
        + will be in Malaga for Open conference in May
        + an idea to do something.
        + Xisco giving a talk there too - be good to meet up.
    + Essen meeting (Bjoern)
        + suggestions for bike-shedding topics to get people interesting
            + UX / Extensions ?
        + suggested dates in April 15th or 23rd German community coming up with that.
        + not nailed down yet

* mentoring/easyhack update (JanI)
  + openhub statistics (2017-03-23), 263(263) people did 15517(15517) commits in 12 month in 
9045603(9045603) lines of code
   + gerrit/git statistics:
         committer...   1 week     1 month     3 months    12 months   
                 open      47(-20)     80(-34)    103(-24)     110(-24)
              reviews     654(100)   1962(145)   4651(294)   17429(293)
               merged     266(44)     881(82)    2742(157)   10160(149)
            abandoned       6(-6)      59(-5)     161(5)       651(-7) 
          own commits     299(-91)   1729(-77)   3991(280)   17301(4)  
       review commits      93(36)     500(49)     765(82)     3486(60) 
       contributor...   1 week    1 month     3 months    12 months   
                 open      31(9)      48(3)       55(5)        56(6)  
              reviews     615(55)   2036(105)   5524(339)   19107(294)
               merged      65(28)    171(48)     314(52)      857(53) 
            abandoned       5(-3)     30(1)       79(-6)      268(-3) 
          own commits      65(40)    145(48)     239(65)      801(55) 
       review commits       0(0)       0(0)        0(0)         0(0)  
   + easyHack statistics:
      needsDevEval 23(23)   needsUXEval 0(0)   cleanup_comments 190(190)   
      total 229(229)   assigned 29(29)   open 173(173)   
   + received patches from 1 emails the last month without licesense statement
   + top 5 contributors:
         Gelmini, Andrea made 62 patches in 1 month, and 103 patches in 1 year
         Kainz, Andreas made 13 patches in 1 month, and 26 patches in 1 year
         Kumar, Rohan made 6 patches in 1 month, and 26 patches in 1 year
         Donkers, Winfried made 6 patches in 1 month, and 54 patches in 1 year
         Carl, Jens made 6 patches in 1 month, and 6 patches in 1 year
   + top 5 reviewers:
         Stahl, Michael made 193 review comments in 1 month, and 1150 in 1 year
         Behrens, Thorsten made 152 review comments in 1 month, and 377 in 1 year
         Grandin, Noel made 129 review comments in 1 month, and 1351 in 1 year
         Nabet, Julien made 127 review comments in 1 month, and 322 in 1 year
         Vajna, Miklos made 108 review comments in 1 month, and 1174 in 1 year

     + Last report from me. Thanks for the time, will continue working on LibreOfficeLight
     + will be working on automation of these minutes

* LibreOfficeLight (JanI)
     + A path to iPad support for LibreOffice.
     + idea – to take ‘online’ - pwrt. JS part, rip-out Server part.
     + add a thin-layer of iOS code on-top.
     + will never be a full office package.
     + bringing ‘online’ to the native iPad – with basic editing.
     + love it (Michael)

* GSoC update (Thorsten)
    + Application deadline is really running out now
         + Monday is the deadline.
         + 11 applications. 3 final, 8 in progress
         + expect more at the deadline.
           + please every mentor check the dashboard for proposals, you won’t get                   
    email notifications, and work with students to submit good applications
    + looked at proposals (Heiko)
         + de-duplicating proposals ?
         + good to communicate with the students. (Thorsten)
         + potentially encourage submission of more proposals (Michael, Bubli)
         + last year had 80 proposals (JanI)
             + had lots for the same project.
             + encouraged less hopeful but good applications to submit more.
    + project page:             
    + ideas page:
    + please – mentors encourage student submissions ...
    + timeline:
         + now - March 20 - April 3 16:00 UTC: student submissions
         + April 3 - 16: review proposals
         + April 17, 16:00 UTC: deadline to submit slot requests
         + April 19, 16:00 UTC: slot allocations announced
         + April 19 - 24 16:00 UTC: choose proposals, assign mentors
         + May 4 - 29: projects public, community bonding period starts
         + May 29: last day to report inactive students
         + May 30: coding begins
         + June 26-30: first eval
         + July 24 - second eval
         + August 21- 29: pens down, wrap up
         + August 29 - September 5: final evaluations of students
         + September 6: passing projects announced
    + going well; a number of prospective students showing up
    + April 3rd is the drop-deadline for filing proposals.
    + need to encourage people to show-up and submit things !

* crash reporter news (?)
    + fix for one crasher thanks to Caolan, Michael
    + Aron working on another around menus.

* Commit Access

* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
    + 4 week sleep.

* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)
    from:Thu Mar 23 15:01:40 2017
    master linux rel  jobs: 224 ok: 215 ko:   9 fail ratio:  4.02 % break:   8 broken 
    master linux dbg  jobs: 155 ok: 151 ko:   1 fail ratio:  0.65 % break:   1 broken duration: 
    master mac rel    jobs: 159 ok: 150 ko:   9 fail ratio:  5.66 % break:   3 broken duration: 
    master mac dbg    jobs: 161 ok: 153 ko:   8 fail ratio:  4.97 % break:   3 broken duration: 
    master win rel    jobs: 139 ok: 133 ko:   6 fail ratio:  4.32 % break:   6 broken duration: 
    master win dbg    jobs: 127 ok: 119 ko:   8 fail ratio:  6.30 % break:   8 broken duration: 
    master win64 dbg  jobs: 140 ok: 130 ko:  10 fail ratio:  7.14 % break:   9 broken duration: 
    lo-5.2 mac        jobs:   8 ok:   8 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 % break:   0 broken duration: 
    lo-5.3 mac        jobs:  20 ok:  20 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 % break:   0 broken duration: 
    branch gerrit all jobs:  12 ok:   8 ko:   4 fail ratio:33.33%
    master gerrit lin jobs: 399 ok: 354 ko:  44 fail ratio:11.03%
    master gerrit plg jobs: 398 ok: 311 ko:  85 fail ratio:21.36%
    master gerrit win jobs: 400 ok: 328 ko:  71 fail ratio:17.75%
    master gerrit mac jobs: 398 ok: 327 ko:  69 fail ratio:17.34%
    master gerrit all jobs: 400 ok: 279 ko: 117 fail ratio:29.25%
     + not sure who improved what ? (Miklos)
         + feeling much improved false positive ratio.
         + somehow quality of Jenkins feedback improved a lot.
         + random test failures reduced significantly.
     + very low numbers
        + overall failure at 33% is pretty good.
     + fixed a FMR in writer / accessibility (Michael S)
        + the top issue in his testing.

* l10n (Sophie)
    + still don’t have access to migrate the content (Cloph)
        + have an additional person to contact there.
        + working to get them access to infra.
    + if it doesn’t work out – can update on Amazon
    + otherwise, ongoing.

* QA update (Xisco)

    + UNCONFIRMED: 455 (-10)
        + enhancements: 41  (0)
        + needsUXEval: 2 (+1)
        + haveBackTrace: 10 (-1)
        + needsDevAdvice: 35 (-8)
        + documentation:  8 (+1)

AI: + look at and/or confirm the documentation bugs (Olivier)
        + hopefully easy to fix ? (Michael)
           + sometimes already fixed in master, or easy typos etc. (Olivier)

    + Crash wrt. XLS crasher related to a11y horror (Xisco)
      + Linux-only, and fixed by a (subsequently reverted) patch from Kohei
      + is it a real regression ? (Michael)

    + Most Pressing Bugs:
      + New:
            + [ none 3rd week in a row. ]

      + Older:
            + FORMATTING: When undo and redo, custom styles and formatting lost, or full crash.
                    + Bubli ?
            + Crash in: SwWrtShell::CalcAndSetScal - in Writer paste table from Calc
                    + couldn't trigger it in the past.
            + Crash in: windows storage.dll
                        + drmemory trace – unhelpful; next steps ?

        + Fixed:
* QA stats
    +140    -150        (-10 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        QA Administrators     57 – lingering NEEDINFO close.
        Xisco Faulí           23
        Samuel Mehrbrodt      15
        Heiko Tietze           9
        V Stuart Foote         8
        Buovjaga               5
        Caolán McNamara        5
        Kü                     3
        Michael Stahl          3
        Mike Kaganski          2
        m.a.riosv              2
        Adolfo Jayme           2
        Gülşah Köse            2
        Kohei Yoshida          2
        Telesto                1

  + top 10 bugs reporters:
        Henschel, Regina        6
        Thomas Lendo            5
        Philips, Yousuf         4
        Frederic Parrenin       4
        Telesto                 2
        gmarco                  2
        kompilainenn            2
        Kelemen, Gabor          2
        Faulí Tarazona, Xisco   2
        Johannes Kingma         2

  + top 10 bugs fixers:
        Mehrbrodt, Samuel        13
        McNamara, Caolán          8
        Kü                        3
        Köse, Gülşah              2
        Vajna, Miklos             2
        Adolfo Jayme Barrientos   2
        Stahl, Michael            2
        Jean-Baptiste Faure       1
        Meeks, Michael            1
        Yoshida, Kohei            1

* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
        5.3: 2/34   -  5% (+0)
        5.2: 4/30   - 13% (+0)
        5.1: 2/34   -  5% (+0)
        5.0: 2/58   -  3% (+0)
        4.4: 4/74   -  6% (+0)
        4.3: 5/72   -  6% (+0)
        4.2: 6/132  -  4% (+0)
        4.1: 4/80   -  5% (+0)
        4.0: 4/81   -  4% (+0)
        old: 29/253 - 11% (+0)

* Bisected bugs open: keyword 'bisected'
    + more accurate - down to a single commit.
    + 362/1326 358/1318 357/1307 351/1293 352/1284 354/1270

    + Done by:
        Faulí Tarazona, Xisco   8
        Raal                    3
        Benes, Luke             1

* Bibisected bugs open: keyword 'bibisected'
    + 437/1875 431/1866 430/1854 420/1836 420/1826 423/1814 419/1797

    + Done by:
        Faulí Tarazona, Xisco   8
        Raal                    4

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 787(+6) bugs open of 5839(+14) total 13(+0) high prio.

    + Done by:
        Faulí Tarazona, Xisco   6
        Buovjaga                3
        Philips, Yousuf         2
        kompilainenn            2
        tommy27                 1
        Benes, Luke             1
        Nabet, Julien           1
        Budea, Áron             1

        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
           LibreOffice - 3 (+0)
                  Base - 2 (+0)
               Impress - 2 (+0)
                Writer - 2 (+0)
                  Calc - 2 (+0)
            Extensions - 1 (+0)
        graphics stack – 1 (+0)

                by OS:
                        + Mac     - 5
                        + All     - 5
                        + Windows - 2
                        + Linux   - 1

        * ~Component   count net * all regressions
                   Calc - 128 (-1)
          Writer: other – 127 (+2)
                Impress - 73 (+0)
           Writer: docx - 68 (+0)
            LibreOffice - 58 (+2)
                     UI - 47 (-1)
         graphics stack - 38 (+0)
            Writer: doc - 38 (+1)
                   Draw – 32 (+1)
                Borders – 30 (+0)
                   Base - 29 (+0)
         Writer: filter – 24 (+0)
           Writer: perf – 23 (+1)
                Crashes – 23 (-2)
       filter / storage – 21 (+1)
                  Chart - 21 (+0)
     print / PDF export - 14 (+1)
                  BASIC - 12 (+0)
             Extensions -  4 (+0)
              framework -  4 (+0)
           Installation -  1 (-1)
                    sdk -  1 (+1) [ back ]


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