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Thanks for your reply. I forwarded it to the ticket.

On 03/26/2017 10:52 PM, Caolán McNamara wrote:
On Fri, 2017-03-24 at 22:15 +0100, Heiko Tietze wrote:
In tdf#106756 [1] the fundamental idea to blend LibreOffice well into
the system theme is challenged. While we may be able to solve most of
the issues the idea is tempting to have a unique look and feel with
the possibility to customize the default according the system. 

I very much disagree, I want the gtk3 LibreOffice to blend in with the
system gtk3 theme. And in some places we are using the native gtk3
stuff directly so it's out of our hands already, e.g. menubar, menus,
file picker, tooltips, popovers, whether modal dialogs are locked in
position or not. I'd like to go further there and use more native
widgets rather than the current scheme of using our own widgets and
using the gtk theming apis to render them.

I think the specific bug should be split up into the pieces that are
causing problems and see if they are currently been taken from the
wrong parts of the system theme and can be individually improved.
LibreOffice mailing list

Dr. Heiko Tietze
UX Designer
Tel. +49 (0)179/1268509

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