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Hi all,

I'd like to ask for a review of an extension that aims to solve bug 90631. The capability to export 
a color list was intentionally removed, but some users request DAU-safe means for palette handling. 
Those must not be hard-coded but are a perfect example for extensions.

I filed a bug at that contains the code. 
It adds a menu entry and allows to export the custom palette as an extension itself. My request is 
to review the code. The xml parser could perhaps also realized similar to the UserProfileName() 
method but I failed trying. And in general I wonder if there may issues occur.

The minimum requirement for the extension should be 5.3. It usually works for the color extension 
with <lo:LibreOffice-minimal-version d:name="LibreOffice 5.3" value="5.3"/> but not for the 
exporter extension. Tried with or without lo:/l:/d: etc. Other than that any comment is welcome, of 

Thanks in advance,
Dr. Heiko Tietze
UX Designer
Tel. +49 (0)179/1268509

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