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Thanks a lot for your code snippet and the heads-up. It's almost the same code, and after 
double-checking the minor differences with no success the issue must have been caused by something 
else. That brought me to the slash in the filename. And eventually it works now like a charm.

On 03/19/2017 09:32 AM, Oliver Brinzing wrote:
Hi Heiko,

following code works for me to create a new zip archive and add a file



Sub Test()
    Dim oZipArchive as Variant
     Dim aArg As New
    Dim SURL as String
    Dim sFile as String
    sURL = ConvertToURL("D:\TEMP\")
    oZipArchive = createUnoService("")

    aArg.Name = "PackageFormat"
    aArg.Value = True
    oZipArchive.initialize(Array(sURL & "", aArg))

    sFile = "test.txt"
    Call AddFiletoZipArchive(oZipArchive, sURL, sFile)

End Sub

Sub AddFiletoZipArchive(oZipArchive as Object, ByVal sUrl as String, ByVal sFile as String)

    On Local Error Goto ErrorHandler

    Dim oSimpleFileAccess as Object
    Dim oInputStream as Object
    Dim oStream as Object
    Dim oPosition as Object
    Dim mArgs(0) as Variant

    mArgs(0) = False

    oStream = oZipArchive.createInstanceWithArguments(mArgs())
    oSimpleFileAccess = CreateUnoService("")
    oInputStream = oSimpleFileAccess.openFileRead(sURL & sFile)

    oPosition = oZipArchive.getByHierarchicalName("")
    oPosition.insertByName(sFile, oStream)

    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err() & " - " & Error() & " - Row: " & Erl()
End Sub

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Dr. Heiko Tietze
UX Designer
Tel. +49 (0)179/1268509

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