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Hey Kendy,

On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 10:27 AM, Jan Holesovsky <> wrote:


I've heard already from 2 people that it is not possible for them to
push other people's patches to gerrit; they get an error like:

remote: ERROR:  author email address YYY@YYY.ORG
remote: ERROR:  does not match your user account.

I wonder - what setting needs to be set for them so that they can push
other people patches?  Or do they need to get the full push rights?

And in general - what's the reason for such a restriction?  Why somebody
cannot eg. backport somebody else's patch to a stable branch, even if
they don't have full commit access yet (?) - the patch will be reviewed

That should be the "Forge Author Identity" part in,access

At least for me the interpretation was always that it simplifies the lives
of reviewers. If a patch has been committed by someone who is not the
author and I can not be 100% sure that the license is correct I need to
spend a lot of time researching the license situation myself. Additionally
I'm often not very thrilled when people who have not understood a patch are
back porting them to a stable branch. IMHO backporting should always either
be done by someone who has the experience in that part of the code, has
written the patch or has reviewed the patch for master.



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