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I’m having strange CppunitTest_svgio failure on macOS with the new
layout engine. With the old layout engine the test passes just fine, but
with the new engine:

$ env SAL_USE_COMMON_LAYOUT=1 make CppunitTest_svgio
make -j 2 -rs -f /Users/khaled/lode/dev/core/Makefile.gbuild CppunitTest_svgio
[CUT] svgio
/core/test/source/xmltesttools.cxx:70:(anonymous namespace)::Test::testTdf97542_1
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 1
- Actual  : 0
- In <>, XPath '/primitive2D/transform/objectinfo/textsimpleportion' number of nodes is incorrect

Capturing the XML files, this is the one that passes:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <svgradialgradient radius="0" x="0" y="0"/>
   <textsimpleportion height="48" text="Text" fontcolor="#ffff00" familyname="serif"/>
   <polygonhairline color="#000000">
    <polygon>0,0 200,0 200,50 0,50</polygon>

And this is the one that fails:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <svgradialgradient radius="0" x="0" y="0"/>
    <textsimpleportion height="48" text="Text" fontcolor="#ffff00" familyname="serif"/>

I tried to find what is the source of difference, but to no avail. I
can’t figure out why the choice of the layout engine can make a
difference here. I thought it might be the font fallback, but we seem to
be getting the same font in both cases, the exported PNGs from Draw look
identical (but may be this uses the other SVG parser?).

Any idea what is going on?



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