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On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 02:30:08PM +0200, Cor Nouws wrote:
- It might well be that in the existing easyHacks, there are some that
didn't go through the now set careful procedure.

I assume that when devs suggest EasyHacks, they have the best intentions.
Combined with the fact that our existing UI is generally not considered perfect,
the chances of an EasyHack suggested with good intentions improving the product
are much, much higher than hurting it. Even if the particular result
might not be perfect, it will in general be _better than the status quo_.

So while UX having an eye on EasyHacks is a Good Things(tm) in general (esp.
for newly filed ones), I dont see existing EasyHacks much of a priority for UX.
IMHO UX should priotize putting to use its _own_ resources for maximum impact
on the product using the least resources from elsewhere as possible -- with
regards to EasyHacks, that ideally means filing and championing EasyHacks UX
can mentor itself[1].

LibreOffice UX is a big field, with lots of improvement possible all over the
place still, so I dont think that there would not be anything left to be done there ...



[1] This includes taking into account that small-scope EasyHacks that are
    attractive to the taker are very likely to be picked faster up by a
    volunteer than those that are not. And the success of the UX team is ultimately
    measured in what ends up in the product, not it what has been specified, but
    left unimplemented.


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