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Hi all,

Cor Nouws wrote on 14-10-16 20:37:
Hi Jan,

Jan Iversen wrote on 14-10-16 19:53:

Following our good discussion in the last ESC meeting, we have another
example [...]

I hope my view on the situation does help a bit in our mutual effort :)

So it's good that there is a clear procedure * and that based on that we
can say: if an easyHack is done and closed, it should not have
unexpected unwanted side effects. In the unexpected case that there
appears to be a need for a follow-up, that should be done in a new

May I take the freedom to suggest three things to further enhance this

- It might well be that in the existing easyHacks, there are some that
didn't go through the now set careful procedure.
To check if there are issues overseen, maybe we can ask 'UX' to do a
review of the existing (older) easyHacks with relation to UI?

- Since we want to be maximal encouraging to new hackers, it is unsure
who follow-up issues will be handled of course.
To prevent that (in some rare cases) favoring more devs will result in
poor UX, maybe we can ask 'dev' to commit themselves to fixing those, if
these are not picked up in reasonable time by an easyHacker?

- In the end we can not prevent that someone reopens a fixed easyHack.
Might that happen, let 'us' react soon and friendly (maybe via direct
mail) explaining and such.

Does that make sense?

Ciao - Cor

*) quoting jani:
1) somebody add keyword “easyhack” to a bug
2) next morning, it is in my mail (automatically), and I look at it and
    - needUIEval, if the change has anything to do with the UI or the
    - needDevEval, if there are no code pointers or I am unsure if the
suggestion is a valid development way.
3) needUIEval is removed only by the UI team
4) needDevEval is normally removed by me or a core developer.
5) At this point the easyhack is public

Cor Nouws
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