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On 09/09/16 18:03, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
    I was broken by McAffe - it broke git - the simple clone failed with a
permissions problem. We have a not-very-explicit "turn off AV" messaging but
not in the LODE (or devcentral) pages, and we should do that earlier I
think; step #1 ;-)

That might need more nuancing perhaps, lest that we make it appear
~impossible for some people to build at all (policy & things).
I believe it is "best practice" to disable AV when installing or
developing software, precisely because it causes so much grief, so may I
suggest something along the lines of

"In line with standard advice on Windows, we recommend disabling AV
while downloading, installing or compiling LibreOffice"

somewhere prominent at the start of the instructions?

That way, we're not telling them they must, just saying that if they
don't then problems are likely to occur and LO is no different from any
other software in that regard.

(And last I looked, I remember AV programs having an option to "disable
until the next reboot".)



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