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* Present:
    + Stephan, Sophie, Jan-Marek, Miklos, Michael M, Andras, Caolán,
      Kendy, Olivier, Norbert, Thorsten, Jan I, Robinson, Christian,
      Norbert, Heiko, Michael S, Bjoern (22 minutes in)
 * Completed Action Items:
    + back-port the per-processor thread-pool limit to 5-1 / 5-2 (Ashod)
    + Add & Welcome Giuseppe Castagno (Norbert, Stephan)
* Pending Action Items:
    + investigate a cron job that queries & auto-merges (Norbert)
         + if +2 by author and +1 by jenkins -> auto-push (on-going)
         [ some problem; stream events don't contain both +1 and +2 -
           a bit complicated; needs a query (Norbert) ]
    + tweak UI and get LiveConnect API key / build case for board (Christian)
    + attempt to re-build a recent gstreamer 1.0 / core spec file
      on our CentOS6 base (tdf#94508) (Christian)
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 5.2 RC1
        + published today, on mirros & website.
        + fix included for lang-pack install on Mac/OS & packaging for Linux
            + looking good.
            + in good shape for bug-hunting & crash-reporting.
    + 5.2 RC2
        + July 5th
        + will create libreoffice 5-2-0 branch
    + - released & announced
    + 5.1.5 rc1 : July 12th (week 28)
    + help strings issues ? (Caolan)
        + fixed the strings, but not the tool.
    + Android & iOS Remote
* Documentation (Olivier)
     + Updated chapters under revision and proof-reading,
       now ready for publishing.
     + more chapters to update on the way.
     + some help-content updates, due to translator bug finding.
     + Some improvements in Documentation page of the website - big buttons (Mike Saunders)
* GSoC 2016 (Thorsten)
    + Mid-Term evaluations! due June 26th
        + one pending !
    + ask/encourage students to submit & register for LibOCon
        + particularly for foreign students.
        => will be re-imbursed up to Eur 1k each, for more ask mentor.
* Heiko intro (Heiko)
    + studied psychology, did lots of stats, using computers
    + then moved into usability, started on LibreOffice some years ago.
* UX Update (Kendy/Heiko)
    + currently going through the draw tickets, to build a survey (Heiko)
        + surprising how many ways people have to deal with it
        + several feature-requests that can be solved,
          benefitting the whole project
              + eg. navigator / object selection.
    + last meeting: (Kendy)
        + GSOC review
        + question on extensions - bring it here:
        + how much do we want to encourage people to create extensions ?
            + examples for possible extensions: 
                + (spotlight feature)
                + (color reader)
                + (barcode)
            + what to add to the core vs. extensions.
            + so far - ext'ns done by volunteers / external people.
            + finding things in BZ - that could be done as extensions
                + make little sense in the core.
            + keep core simple & clean - but keep it simple and clean.
                + eg. bar-code extension.
            + like simplicity & extensions.
            + one view: extension API awful (Michael)
                + really horribly hard to write document elements with them.
            + another view: beneficial (Stephan)
                + helps to have people finding problems & improving
                  APIs & integration.
                + had problems in the past with "bundled extensions"
            + one more: (Thorsten)
                + used to hate extensions,
                + but there is a hard barrier around C++
                + lots of Java / Python people out there.
            + mostly griping about the API surface not UNO (Michael)
            + bar-code horribly implemented too (Michael)
            => not at the stage of some blog-post for direction here (Kendy)
                + good to encourage people to write extensions of course.
                + case-by-case basis.
            + plus of extensions: portability between versions (JMux)
                + saves compiling their own version.
* Crashtest update (Caolan)
    + 1 import failures, 119 export failure, 0 coverity
    + earlier in the week was 0, 0, 0.
    + 119 failure are from new colormap index asserts and now fixed at png/bmp load time
        + Tor's 4bit bug-fix uncovered lots of evil.
        + should we be more bold converting dbg asserts to real ones ? (Thorsten)
            + if around to fix the fallout (Miklos)
                + eg. base URL of document not-empty etc.
        + prolly more here around binary validation (Thorsten)
    + looking good.
    + would be great to load as 24bit and ignore after that (Caolan)
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + next hackfests: nothing confirmed yet.
    + Hamburg Home-hacking setup ? (Bjoern)
        [ various people on vacation now ]
    + next venues / suggestions
        + Chaos event - good for outreach; at the same time as Munich.
        + Infra Meetup: July 24th to 30th, close to Munich (kaufbeuren)
        + Akademy / FSFE summit - in the week before LibOCon ? (Thorsten)
        + more suggestions welcome
    + Autumn / week-long Home-Hacking in Hamburg with students? (Bjoern)
        + advertise at university ? C++ training ? etc.
* LibreOffice Conference in Brno - CfP open (Sophie)
    + Kendy & Thorsten on program committee:
        + deadline is mid July.
        => think what to submit / chase people ...
    + travelling to Brno -> fly to Prague / Vienna unlikely to go direct.
* Mentoring/easyhack update (janI)
   + legend: contributors are not-yet-committers, numbers in () are +/- compared to last week
   + summary:
       17332(-25) commits in a year of which 8657(-144) were made directly, without use of gerrit
       292(-1) people made commits in a year, 72(40) in a month. 42(4) people to be emailed
   + gerrit:   committer open  64(-1)      contributor open  57( 9)
               updated merged     abandoned   updated  merged    abandoned
        year:   64(-1)  7218(76)   559(-3)     57(9)    1457(43)  478(2)
        month:  60(-4)   891(-83)   43(3)      54(7)     190(26)   40(1)
        week:   44(-7)   160(-42)    9(1)      31(-2)     58(16)    8(-3)
   + easyHacks:
        total 231(2) open 201(0) assigned 20(2)
        needinfo 10(0) needsDevEval 471(-3) needsUXEval 106(16)
        missing cleanup due to many comments 185(3)
   + top 10 contributors (based on merged patches last month):
         Zdenek Crhonek got 53 patches merged, and have a total of 59 merged patches
         Muhammet Kara got 17 patches merged, and have a total of 31 merged patches
         krishna keshav got 14 patches merged, and have a total of 14 merged patches
         Jakub Trzebiatowski got 12 patches merged, and have a total of 20 merged patches
         Mark Page got 10 patches merged, and have a total of 12 merged patches
   + new easyHacks:
   + create your own by updating Keywords to eg. "easyHack, difficultyBeginner, skillCpp, 
   + please remember, a codepointer is mandatory, and typically a look from an experienced developer
   + create new easy hacks from these ones or remove "needsDevEval" if not feasible):

   + Week had a spike in gerrit patches, many for Calc test
       + encouraging to have lots of tests.
       + hopefully some students are getting stuck in in their vacations
       + completed the re-write
   + Considering making the "normal" build and setup as web (devcentral)
       + perhaps have a summary front-page & details in the wiki.
   + Design easy hacks, is without mentor and code pointers,
     see e.g.
       + several do not have code pointers / mentors.
       + setting tickets to Easy Hacks (Heiko)
           + developers can insert code-ptr / mentor etc.
           + how do you know it is easy ? (Norbert)
           + used to be a proposed easy-hack (Kendy)
               + is it still there ?
AI:        + mark them as NEEDINFO & NeedsDevEval (Heiko)
           + was a keyword - NeedsDevEval (Michael S)
               + should prolly be easy / don't know where code is.
               + still exists (JanI)
        + need to find people to add code pointers !
* Commit Access
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
     => timeout for 10 weeks.
* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)
    from:Thu Jun 16 14:01:54 2016
    master linux rel  jobs: 239 ok: 179 ko:  60 fail ratio: 25.10 % break:   8 broken duration: 
    master linux dbg  jobs: 134 ok: 120 ko:  13 fail ratio:  9.70 % break:   6 broken duration: 
    master mac rel    jobs: 145 ok: 139 ko:   4 fail ratio:  2.76 % break:   3 broken 
    master mac dbg    jobs: 153 ok: 149 ko:   4 fail ratio:  2.61 % break:   3 broken 
    master win rel    jobs: 162 ok: 156 ko:   4 fail ratio:  2.47 % break:   1 broken duration: 
    master win dbg    jobs: 152 ok: 144 ko:   7 fail ratio:  4.61 % break:   3 broken duration: 
    master win64 dbg  jobs: 155 ok: 145 ko:   7 fail ratio:  4.52 % break:   3 broken duration: 
    lo-5.2 mac        jobs:  38 ok:  38 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 % break:   0 broken duration: 
    lo-5.1 mac        jobs:  13 ok:  13 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 % break:   0 broken duration: 
     + meant to break:
    gerrit win rel    jobs: 405 ok: 332 ko:  73 fail ratio:18.02%
    gerrit lin rel    jobs: 405 ok: 307 ko:  96 fail ratio:23.70%
    gerrit mac rel    jobs: 399 ok: 300 ko:  99 fail ratio:24.81%
    gerrit all        jobs: 398 ok: 250 ko: 146 fail ratio:36.68%
    + Problems with network connectivity (Norbert)
        + causing remote machines to dis-connect
        + Jenkins doesn't re-connect
        + have to change the hostname repeatably; painful.
           + 3x in 2 days.
        + some Manitu / internet problem ? or ...
        + some CI delays - from noticing this.
        + can we get monitoring / external help ? (Thorsten)
           + just need to be admin on CI; Cloph is.
           + Jenkins is critical infra -> SMS notification ?
           + used to have an IRC bot for it (Norbert)
              + plugin caused it to hang.
        + infra added a new firewall / and network re-config (JanI)
           + should be stabilizing now.
    + Occasionally - a machine hangs inside a job
        + used to have signal handler / crashing
        + started seeing hangs again recently.
        + Europe / US connectivity issue - takes most macs off-line.
    + when it is slow checkout
        + if we have red-crosses on the left; slaves off-line,
          ping Cloph / Norbert.
* l10n (Sophie)
    + work going on quietly.
* Access to Mac & Windows machines (Michael S)
    + hard for some GSOC students eg. Firebird
       + can we provide remote Mac/Mini access ?
    + do we have a remote Windows VM ? (Michael M)
       + yes we have one (Cloph)
AI: + connect Cloph + Norbert to the opportunity (Michael S)
* QA update (Robinson)
    + Bug Hunting Session this Friday, June 24th (Tomorrow)
    + UNCONFIRMED: 634
        + enhancements: 66
        + in ux-advise: 28
    + needAdvice at 52
    + Most Pressing Bugs:
        + tdf#100295 - LibODev- does not run in Windows_XP (32 or 64 bit)
            + Interest in fixing ?  (or is this a 'feature' ?)
            + Tor - thinks a feature.
            + last time - 10% of Windows market (Michael)
               + compares vs. Mac install base.
            + can we bibisect for Windows to find what killed it.
            + could be related to breakpad ? (Cloph)
               + a duplicate with more info in it out there.
               + perhaps Moggi had a look ?
        + tdf#92516 - "x" accelerator and mouse click not exiting StartCenter
          in "File -> Exit LibreOffice" menu on Windows.
            + Continue to see dupe reports, an annoyance
        + tdf#100458 - Data loss on loading Calc document with hidden 0 (Jan-Marek)
            + LHM has a lot of documents with this kind of formating
            + Proposed patch:
            + /me doesn't have enough knowledge of Calc - it's not clear what's the correct 
            + See my last comments for some kind of reasoning
            + seems like a good proposal (Thorsten)
                + includes a unit test; all tests pass etc,. (Jmux)
                => merge it when build passes.
        + Mail merge regressions (Bjoern)
            + (7 open; 7 open last meeting)
            + Tested -> waiting on info from some bug reporters,
              couple suspicious of.
* QA stats
    +143    -157        (-14 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Caolán McNamara       19
        Samuel Mehrbrodt      14
        Adolfo Jayme          11
        V Stuart Foote        11
        Heiko Tietze           9
        Buovjaga               8
        Aron Budea             5
        Cor Nouws              5
        Laurent BP             5
        Andras Timar           5
        Eike Rathke            4
        Alex Thurgood          4
        Michael Stahl          3
* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
        5.2: 3/13   - 23%   +0
        5.1: 2/28   -  7%   +0
        5.0: 7/53   - 13%   +0
        4.4: 7/73   -  9%   +0
        4.3: 5/68   -  7%   +0
        4.2: 8/133  -  6%   +0
        4.1: 4/79   -  5%   +0
        4.0: 10/82  - 12%   +0
        old: 34/248 - 13%   +0
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 364/1371 367/1371 365/1363 369/1361 366/1354 366/1352 371/1347
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 731(-2) bugs open of 4994(+16) total 11(-3) high prio.
        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
                  Calc -  4 (-1)
                Writer -  4 (-2)
               Impress -  1 (+0)
                  Base -  1 (+0)
           LibreOffice -  1 (+0)
        * ~Component   count net * all regressions
                Writer - 227 (+0)
                  Calc - 138 (-3)
               Impress -  58 (+1)
           LibreOffice -  47 (-1)
        graphics stack -  38 (-1)
                    UI -  38 (-1)
               Borders -  32 (+0)
               Crashes -  32 (-4)
                  Base -  31 (+3)
                  Draw -  26 (+0)
   filters and storage -  22 (-1)
                 Chart -  15 (+0)
                 BASIC -  14 (-1)
Printing and PDF export-  11 (+0)
        Formula Editor -   5 (+0)
            Linguistic -   4 (+0)
            Extensions -   3 (+1)
             framework -   3 (+0)
          Installation -   3 (+0)
                   sdk -   2 (+1)

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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