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That idea is old -- and yes, having it directly in as a note, tag or brach git
would be awesome. Personally, I would love to see a "master-ci-verfied" _branch_
that is following the master branch up to the point that is known good by CI. A
branch has the advantage that it would allow newcomers to locally rebase their
commit from one known good state to the next easily.

However, nothing like that has been implemted yet. So: go go go.

The idea of a branch triggered ideas. Having a special "tinderbox" that regulary (e.g. once a day) 
controls master and if it builds (at least on linux) merges changes to a fix branch, is something 
easy to do.

Just today we saw a new contributor having problems due to master being broken, and some of us used 
time to identify what the problem was.

So IMHO having this feature will save time, meaning I could use time to implement it.

An alternative (which I have seen used in another project), would be to let
jenkins generate a source tar ball, incl. the .git directory, of the latest
sane build.

No, thats horrible -- it make onboarding to git even harder.

I know many will say, but master is sometimes broken, you have to live with
that. That is a statement I agree with, for anything else than the first

Nah, the argument was rather: If we have a last 'known good master' everyone
will use that (including the people who broke master) and nobody will use the
HEAD of master anymore (nor will those that broke master).

My guess is that we need automating bisecting on master to really pin down the
guilty in these cases. See:

If we had a "check master tinderbox", it could probably easy do the bibisecting automatically 
(going from last known stable build).;a=summary;a=summary

for some abandoned work I did for that. I gave up on it as with gerrit/Jenkins, master
state seemed 'good enough' to me.


Heh, hanging those high that break master and didnt verify on Jenkins before --
esp. now that it is trivial?

New headline for ESC, top master breakers :-)

jan i.




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