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Hi Sophie, *,

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 11:44 AM, Sophie <> wrote:
Dear developers,

A reminder about dealing with help files and cosmetic changes:
Despite what translators think and how they voice their opinion,
fixing syntax errors is not doing cosmetic changes.

Validation errors have been ignored for too long, time to weed that
out, whether translators like it or not.
We have validation checks in pootle for a reason. While some are less
useful than others, at least the xml-validility ones should be
respected.  And if people don't know why a error is triggered, they
should use feedback functionality/ask on the list.

attributes removal such as oldref
and this has been discussed already. (that's the cause for msg-context
changes and will be auto-fixed)

Adding up already-told-to-be-autofixed with other occurences of fuzzy
strings won't make that double the amount of strings to fix.

/me already deleted a reply to Martin because of my tone, so  I'll
keep that one short...



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