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* Present:
    + Sophie, Norbert, Stephan, Miklos, Bjoern, Eike, Christian, JanI, Robinson,
      Jacobo, Noel, Caolan, Michael S, David
* Completed Action Items:
    + drop CC of dev-list on easy-hacks (JanI)
        [  + and CC himself.
          Robinson is looking into that, requires admin privs (jani)
          Done (Robinson) ]
    + GSOC application submission (JanI)
AI:     [ Review it (Thorsten) ]
    + Update/fix: (All)
        [ looks good (JanI) ]
    + send Xisco a welcome to committers E-mail (Bjoern)
    + build new easy-hacks reportage into
      dev-tools/scripts/ ONO (JanI)
        [ written and included here ].
    + add wiki page for Turkish hack-fest (Bjoern)
        [ draft at:
          (date and location not yet confirmed) - April/May dates open ? ]
* Pending Action Items:
    + UI changes from non-committers: post list to UX team (Kendy)
    + double-check duplicate libmar/src, update/src (Kendy)
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    * no release plan in wiki for 5.2, 5.3 ...
AI:     [ update planned tomorrow cloning 5.0 and 5.1 ? (Cloph) ]
    + 5.0.5 released Monday on website.
        + not ideal wrt. security (Bjoern)
            + we setup embargo date - but by that date we hadn't released.
                + need to improve this.
            + agreed; missed delayed 5.0.5 (Cloph)
                + not aware of the delay
                + delayed by having 5.1 delayed
                => all Michael's fault again :-) (Norbert)
            + any process to improve tracking ? (Michael)
                + announced we'd do silent updated anyway (Bjoern)
                    + so set embargo dates to be a week later.
    + 5.0.6 RC1 - due April 12th.
    + 5.1.1 RC2 due next week
        + first build with Jan - prolly tag will be Wed to avoid late nights.
        + Late Features:
            + New Slide Transitions: polish
                [ ... debugging & work - some Intel fixing ]
            + UserAgent display & tweakage
                [ still not done ... ]
            + URL for the online documentation needs change (Bjoern)
                [ still pending ]
    + Android & iOS Remote
        + updates planned after testing.
* Documentation (Kendy)
* GSoC 2016 (Thorsten, JanI)
    + Suggestion for Org. descrtiption and application pending review
        - There is a question about failure rate I cannot answer (jani)
        - Texts need to be controlled to ensure they represent the correct opinion (jani)
    + Urgent: please update & fix before Feb 8th:
    + 3 admin volunteers: JanIV, Moggi, Thorsten
* MSVC 14.0 / Drop MSVC 12.0 on master (DavidO)
     + Improvement of C++14/C++17 standard
     + bit rotted on master: dozen compilation errors
     + Add Tinderbox to verify that it still works
     + After release of 5.1 consider to discontinue support for MSVC 12.0 on master
         * Looks like it's impossible to manage the switch period
         * both compilers could be installed (?) on the same machine, to still use old compiler on 
     + Duplicated Python 3.3/3.5 trees, because upstream dropped support for MSVC 12.0
     + plan was to use Windows Server 2016 + update baseline (Cloph)
         + can setup the tech. preview 4 of Win. Server 2016 & have a t-box.
         + but not convinced on deprecation yet.
     + does 5.0 build with VS 2015 ? (Norbert)

           + No. Requires Python 3.5

             Only build on master

         + if so, with the 2x new Windows box showing up
            + install VS 2015 there.
         + then take two others off-line & upgrade them too.
     + even on master - with just VS 2015 - still have issues (Miklos)
         + would be good for now to have a tinderbox to stop it breaking.
     + not fond of multiple versions of compiler (Norbert)
         + can hide problems.
             + concerned we test with only the new compiler (Miklos)
     + new Win boxes physically arrived
         + being moved around at Manitu right now with Alex.
         => put Win Server 2016 Preview 4 + VS 2015
             - and bring them on-line and see how it goes.
             + if problems building with 5.0 and 5.1 - re-think.
     + is it confirmed 5.0 builds with VS 2015 ? (Norbert)
         + No. Requires Python 3.5
           Only build on master
         + only 1x release left of 5.0.x - anyway (Cloph)
             + to mid April/May.
     => defer update until then.
     + can we somehow restore Thorsten's t-box vs. 2015 ? (Michael)
         + Thorsten's TB was shut down because of devenv.exe invocation
           (mst__ has an idea how to fix it?)
              + no idea (mst).
     + migrating slaves of jenkins infra - is a bigger deal - needs a single
       toolchain that builds all relevant versions (Norbert).
AI:  => will setup a tinderbox VM for VS. 2015 (Cloph)
     + would be good to back-port fixes to 5.1 too to be prepared for May.
* Gerrit bits (DavidO)
    + the ask:
       + Gerrit Upgrade 2.11.7
       + Configure/Deploy gerrit-oauth-plugin for GitHub+Google
         auth support
    + together these:
       + bring support back for Google OAuth2 authentication
       + add support for GitHub accounts
       + inline edit (small fixes directly in the browser)
           => significantly decreasing entry-level barrier
              for new contributors
       + Rebase Dialog rework: Now it's possible to change the parent of a change in browser
    + infra-call yesterday (Cloph)
       + decided to do the update by setting up a new box.
       + down-time of a couple of hours to transfer the data across.
       + planned for 1st week of March - 2x week with no release due.
       + missed the call yesterday (Norbert)
           + fine with it; but testing is a pain wrt. OpenID.
           + we'll find a way.
* UX Update (Kendy)
    + some unhappiness wrt. theming and firefox themes
        + new UI that is there, asks Mozilla APIs
            + results are not ideal, and slow.
        + could we have cached local themes to fix that ? (Michael)
            + design team could come up with some few pretty ones.
            + might be a solution (Kendy)
                + allow putting the URL for more bits too.
            + get a more concise proposal in the design meeting
        + could we put themes in the extensions repo ? (Bjoern)
            + it is possible to install them via extensions.
            + could we kill the UI for it too ?
                + install & choose currently (Kendy)
                   + perhaps drop URL from themes; iterate.
    + default fonts
        + Jay - some proposals;
            1. use C* equivalents -> interoperable.
            2. droid fonts
            3. noto sans, serif, cousine.
        + interoperability: important.
            + design issues with that, coverage in cyrillic not ideal.
AI:         + create a tender to improve fonts for the board (Design Team)
    + draw survey follow-ups
        + if you have thoughts: fill out the survey.

    + and some GSOC Ideas added too.
* Crashtest update (Caolan)
    + 7 import failures, 0 export failures, 81 coverity
       + no export crashes; 7 import - but 2x problems
       + one calc, one SVG (asked Xisco)
       + coverity (java-ness) still shrinking.
* Graphite2 update (Caolan)
    + 1.3.5 upgraded in 5.0 series as well.
       + but not released yet.
       + expect to update again for 5.0.6
    + was the ver bump tricky ? (Bjoern)
       + fairly trivial, back-ported the core changes just in-case (Caolan)
           + but not for distro builds.
* Budgeting due 2016-03-02 (Norbert)
    + hackfests -> mostly in a 'community event' thing
AI:     + come up with a hackfest 2016 travel estimate (Bjoern)
            + each hack-fest around Eur 1k or so.
    + marketing event -> talk to others wrt. the project.
    + infra bucket (good whack of H/W bits coming)
        + planning is good here (Norbert)
        + with 2x new windows machines coming
            easier to take 1x jenkins off-line if transient need
            for raw horsepower.
        + ie. if you need a fast machine for a bit -> ping Norbert.
            + VMs for hack-fests ? (Bjoern)
                + best not to use intensively; expensive (Michael, Norbert)
        + extra hardware for sanitizer builds would be good (Caolan)
            + ubsan & asan - already happening each day (Norbert)
                + fine with the current setup (Stephan)
        + looking at fuzzing in the b/g at low prio (Norbert)
    + Doxygen API generation ? (Bjoern)
        + done by Miklos just now - would like to hand it to sysadmin
            + assuming it will get run regularly.
            + some multi-GB doxygen output - lots of images.
AI:     + talk with Norbert to hand it over to sysadmin (Miklos)
            + constrain to 1x core & run for a day (Norbert)
    + Client pieces ? (Michael)
        + fast PCs for penniless students ?
        + SSDs for QA people
            + can be for some people; bibisect etc. (Robinson)
                + other H/W could serve a purpose.
            + feedback from Stuart & Raal - really useful (Sophie)
AI:     + some budget here (Michael)
        + Closing the Mac gap (Kendy)
            + if you will fix the search-bar paste issue get a Mac.
               + have some mac-mini's that are under-used (Norbert)
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + next venues / suggestions
        + Ankara, Turkey
            + talked to them; lots of enthusiasm & desire for training.
                + suggested date: 2016-04-30
            + concrete volunteer mentors?
                + Jan-Marek maybe, moggi after March, 12th
                + will send a Collaboran (Michael)
            + weekend or not ? what preference ?
                + like in the week (Michael)
        + German Community event in Essen
            + would be good to have developers there too ...
        + Gran Canaria hack-fest (Thorsten)
            + why are we doing this again ? (Michael)
                + not an official hack-fest.
            + April 6-8th (7-9th) possibly
                + Plan is to craft it according to the Japanese
                  Mini-Conference, with a broader local community appeal
        + Germany, Munich, LiMux; End of May 2016 (Jan-Marek)
            + Orga:
            + Weekend doodle:
                + 19-21 or 27-29
                + smaller amount of space available this year (Jan-Marek)
                + maybe some general community event around that? (Bjoern)
                   + it is a general event, not LO specific (Jan-Marek)
* Mentoring Update (JanI)
   + gerrit: 152 open patches of which 96 can be merged if no open comments
              70 from contributors of which 42 can be merged if no open comments
   + added new tool dev-tools/scripts/, to help daily work
      + cf. output below.
      + saving time each morning.
   + Have abandoned 2 month old gerrit patches - 3-4 of them.
   + pinged assigned easyhacks older than a month
      + pinged to see if they are still active; all released -> for others.
   + Started discussion on how to update many comments in BZ.
      + deleting comments not the way to go -> go to new issues in place of them.
          + keeping history in the old issue.
   + CC-0 license caused a mail thread (and private mails), wiki says:
      + would feel a lot happier with an MPL license for non-art/templates (Michael)
   + Our wiki recommend a commit text structure, a mail thread indicates it is incorrect:
      + describe what you did not the bug itself (Norbert)
          + good to use common-sense (Miklos)
      => soften "it is important to" -> "we recommend that you"
      + the only hard & fast rule -> put the tdf# in there (Norbert)
          + useful for automation; and tracking fixes through infra.
          + rest is hard to specify - good commit msgs are an art.
              + bear in mind you'll read it yourself in a few years (Michael)
                  + will you grok it then ?
      + doesn't say about the line-length (Jacobo)
          => add the first line-length 72 chars in there. (the others 80 )
* Easy hacks not showing up (Michael)
      + ticket is closed.
      + status assigned, or no skill - doesn't show up (JanI)
    + what numbers (JanIV)
       + tdf#97975 and tdf#97973 (Michael)
       + limits to 20-25 entries ... (Cloph)
AI:    + update it (JanI)
            + problem with slow Bugzilla queries ? (Bjoern)
                + suggestion - send people to the other wiki page
                   + more qualified C++ eg.
                + tried that didn't work (Michael)
* l10n Update (Sophie)
    + nothing new for now; work going on.
* Commit Access
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
    + pending next cycle.
* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)
    from:Thu Feb 11 15:00:27 2016
    master linux rel  jobs:175 ok:151 ko:24 fail ratio:13.71% break:9 broken duration:10.77%
    master linux dbg  jobs:140 ok:132 ko:8  fail ratio:5.71%  break:7 broken duration:2.57%
    master mac rel    jobs:169 ok:163 ko:5  fail ratio:2.95%  break:2 broken duration:0.59%
    master mac dbg    jobs:169 ok:163 ko:5  fail ratio:2.95%  break:2 broken duration:0.72%
    master win rel    jobs:147 ok:140 ko:7  fail ratio:4.76%  break:3 broken duration:1.85%
    master win dbg    jobs:131 ok:106 ko:25 fail ratio:19.08% break:6 broken duration:27.9%
    master win64 dbg  jobs:140 ok:117 ko:23 fail ratio:16.42% break:4 broken duration:26.82%
    lo-5.0 mac        jobs:10  ok:10  ko:0  fail ratio:0%     break:0 broken duration:0%
    gerrit win rel    jobs:247 ok:213 ko:31 fail ratio:12.55%
    gerrit lin rel    jobs:251 ok:216 ko:34 fail ratio:13.54%
    gerrit mac rel    jobs:251 ok:226 ko:25 fail ratio:9.96%
    gerrit all        jobs:247 ok:185 ko:58 fail ratio:23.48%
      + quite a good week.
         + windows skewed by warning as error over the weekend.
* Easy Hacks:
    + new easy-hacks thanks to:
        easyHacks: total 305: 286 waiting for contributor, 10 Assigned to contributors, 6 need info
               cleanup: 203 has more than 4 comments, 281 needs to be reviewed
        new last 8 days:
   mentor:d.ostrovsky -> 
"gbuild: check that everything in instdir/ ends up packaged in the end"
   mentor:sbergman -> "EasyHack: 
Remove empty setUp/tearDown overrides from CppUnit test code"
   mentor:michael.meeks -> 
"unit-test to check graphics ..."
        need info (mentor or code pointer), please help:
   mentor:harman.eric -> "When 
Opening Any Dialog the First Value in the Dialog Should be Selected"
   mentor:alban.crequy -> 
"LibreOffice should use stemp in other directories than $HOME first"
   mentor:idler.1st -> 
"[Sidebar]  Large icons are not used"
   mentor:d.ostrovsky -> 
"gbuild: check that everything in instdir/ ends up packaged in the end"
   mentor:bjoern.michaelsen -> 
"Improvement of SmNodeToTextVisitor"
                => one of the ancients ones, thus not mine, see also comment 8 (Bjoern)
   mentor:kobzeci -> "FILESAVE: 
Slide transistion sound(other sound) is not included in presentation file"
    + create your own by updating Keywords to eg.
            "easyHack, difficultyBeginner, skillCpp, topicCleanup"
    + create new easy hacks from these proposed ones
      (or remove the Keyword "needsDevEval" if not feasible):
* QA update (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED:     653
        + enhancements: 57
        + in ux-advise: 31
    + needAdvice at 25
    + Most Pressing Bugs:
        + tdf#96300 - Wrong hyphenation in German and Italian text using the MS-font “Calibri” and 
TDF “Carlito”
            (ligatures duplicated at end and start of line)
            + Cloph: higher importance
        + tdf#56544 - FILEOPEN: Lock file is not created on samba share (via gvfs)
            [ fixed thanks to Stephan ]
        + tdf#95709 - [DISPLAY] Presentation mode renders graphics wrong
            + Armin / Thorsten ?
        + tdf#96172 - Crash in layout SwSectionFrame after opening particular document
            + ODT crash [was: Crash on opening DOCX]
            + bibisected;
        + tdf#89034 - OS X: Text not being justified in Persian and other RTL languages
            + Common issue -> lots of duplicates
        + Mail merge regressions (Bjoern)
            + (7 open; 7 open last meeting)
            + (Still?) PENDING: AI: push the last MM fix to 5.0 too
               + Jan-Marek watching this, but short on time currently
            + maybe to do test build, and find interest in testing? (Bjoern)
               + no infra for that though (Bjoern)
               + pushing to master is fine (Kendy)
        + tdf#96847 - Android viewer crashes on every file (android 4.4.4 & 5.x)
            + Crash persists with daily builds (2016-02-18)
* QA stats
    +212    -124        (+88 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Beluga                21
        Michael Meeks         15
        Maxim Monastirsky      7
        raal                   6
        Joel Madero            5
        Luke                   4
        V Stuart Foote         4
        Cor Nouws              4
        tommy27                3
        Olivier Hallot         3
        David Tardon           3
        m.a.riosv              3
        Xisco Faulí            2
        Michael Stahl          2
        Stephan Bergmann       2
* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
        5.2: 1/4   - 25%    +0
        5.1: 2/25   - 8%    +0
        5.0: 9/52  - 17%    +0
        4.4: 12/75 - 16%    -1
        4.3: 6/68   - 8%    +0
        4.2: 11/134 - 8%    +0
        4.1: 4/79   - 5%    +0
        4.0: 10/81  - 12%   +0
        old: 39/248 - 15%   +0
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 403/1260 398/1248 402/1247 408/1242 409/1238 406/1229 353/1140
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 767(+9) bugs open of 4693(+17) total 34(-2) high prio.
        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
                  Calc - 14 (+0)
                Writer - 10 (-1)
           LibreOffice -  5 (+0)
                  Base -  2 (+0)
               Impress -  2 (+0)
            Extensions -  1 (+0)
                  Draw -  0 (-1)
        * ~Component   count net * all regressions
                Writer - 234 (+0)
                  Calc - 162 (+3)
               Crashes -  56 (+0)
           LibreOffice -  54 (-1)
               Impress -  51 (+2)
                    UI -  43 (-1)
        graphics stack -  38 (+2)
               Borders -  33 (+0)
                  Draw -  27 (+0)
                  Base -  28 (+2)
   filters and storage -  19 (+0)
                 BASIC -  15 (-1)
                 Chart -  15 (+0)
Printing and PDF export-  11 (+0)
        Formula Editor -   6 (+0)
            Linguistic -   5 (+0)
            Extensions -   3 (+0)
          Installation -   2 (+0)
                   sdk -   1 (+0)
             framework -   1 (+0)

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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